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Narayana Health, Kolkata: Taking Care of West Bengal for Over Two Decades

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A Visionary Start

In 2000, amidst the bustling city of Kolkata, Dr. Devi Shetty embarked on a mission to transform the healthcare landscape of West Bengal. With a heart full of compassion and a vision for providing world-class medical care, he established RN Tagore Hospital, the flagship hospital of Narayana Health Group. The dream was simple yet profound: to offer high-quality healthcare that was both affordable and accessible to every Bengali, regardless of socio-economic status.

A Network of Healing and Hope

The journey began with a single hospital but has since grown into a network of four hospitals across Kolkata. One of the earliest milestones was treating a day-old child with a critical heart condition. This tiny patient found solace and healing within Narayana Health’s walls, a testament to the medical expertise and transformative care that Dr. Shetty and his team wanted to bring to the people of West Bengal. Over the last two decades, Narayana Health – Kolkata has become integral to the fabric of West Bengal, touching over 5.2 million lives.

Transforming Bengal into a Healthcare Hub

Two decades ago, people from West Bengal often traveled to other parts of India for high-end medical procedures. By introducing the latest technology across specialities and attracting some of the finest medical professionals, Narayana Health – Kolkata marked a transformative era in West Bengal. Today, West Bengal stands as a hub of advanced medical treatment, attracting patients from neighboring states and countries seeking high-quality care.

Braving Tough Times Together

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the hospital cluster and the people of Bengal united in an extraordinary display of resilience and determination. The dedicated staff and doctors at the hospitals worked tirelessly, often putting their own lives at risk, to save thousands of patients. Their relentless efforts, compassion, and expertise were instrumental in navigating the crisis, offering hope and healing to countless Bengali families.

Building Trust Through Affordable, High-Quality Healthcare

Today, as Narayana Health – Kolkata looks back on its journey, it stands proud not just as a network of hospitals, but as a beacon of hope and trust for the people of West Bengal. This trust is built on advanced medical procedures, state-of-the-art technology, and the consistent, compassionate care every patient receives coupled with complete price transparency.

“Our journey over the past two decades has been deeply rooted in serving the people of West Bengal and forging strong ties with the community,” said Mr. R Venkatesh, Group COO of Narayana Health. “We are immensely proud of the trust our patients have placed in us and remain dedicated to advancing healthcare standards and providing compassionate care to all.”

From its humble beginnings to becoming a household name in every Bengali’s life, Narayana Health’s legacy is built on the countless smiles it has restored, the hearts it has healed, and the lives it has saved. This legacy will continue to grow, guided by the principles of compassion, innovation, and unwavering dedication that Dr. Devi Shetty envisioned two decades ago.

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