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New Book On ‘Emergencies In Medical Practice’ By Dr Om Tantia & Dr Ghanshyam Goyal Released

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Top Medical Practitioners in West Bengal Came Together to Edit Multi-disciplinary Book

A new book titled ‘Emergencies in Medical Practice’ was launched on Sunday, 26th February 2023. The book aims to provide medical professionals with the knowledge and skills to handle common medical emergencies that they may encounter in their daily clinical practice. The launch event was held at a five-star hotel and was attended by several dignitaries, including Swami Satyeshananda Ji Maharaj of Ramkrishna Mission, Belur Math, and Dr. Debasis Bhattacharyya, Director of Medical Education at the Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal. Dr. Om Tantia, Dr. Aruna Tantia, Dr. Ghanshyam Goyal, and Dr. Prof Tamonas Chaudhuri were also present at the book release event.

The book, dedicated to the memory of medical professionals who lost their lives during the recent Covid-19 pandemic, was edited by Dr. Om Tantia and Dr. Ghanshyam Goyal under the guidance of Prof. Sukumar Mukherjee. The book is a collaborative effort of 65 renowned faculties from various disciplines and departments, and each of the 43 chapters has been scrutinized by a 12-member editorial board.

“The book comprises 43 chapters focusing on various emergencies and emphasizing the initial management of the patient before a specialist arrives on the scene. The Editorial team and contributors are hopeful that ‘Emergencies in Medical Practice’ will be a handy manual for medical professionals of all disciplines,” said Dr. Om Tantia, MS, FRCS (Eng), FICS, FACS, FAIS, FMAS, Consultant Bariatric & Metabolic Surgeon, ILS Hospitals.

“The highlight of the book is that each author is an authority in their respective field. The fountainhead for it was the all-encompassing idea that while medical professionals are only too familiar with their area of specialization, many of them feel challenged when called upon to deal with an emergency outside their domain. This book would be a great help to all of them.” said Dr Ghanshyam Goyal, MBBS, MD (Medicine) Head-Department of Diabetology ILS Hospitals, Specialist in Diabetic Foot Management.

The launch event also felicitated ten medical specialists, including Prof. Sukumar Mukherjee, Prof. Debasish Maji, Prof. D. C. Dolui, Prof. Gita Ganguly Mukherjee, Dr. A. R. Bandopadhyay, Dr. Sadhan Chandra Ray, Dr. D. N. Guha Mazumder, Dr. Dhiman Ganguly, Dr. N. N. Sarangi, and Dr. Bhaskar Moni Chatterjee.

About ILS Hospitals:

 GPT Healthcare Limited is the healthcare wing of the GPT Group. Currently, it owns and operates 580+ beds across 4 state-of-the-art, multi-specialty hospitals under the brand name “ILS Hospitals” at Salt Lake, Dumdum, Howrah (West Bengal) and Agartala (Tripura).

ILS Hospitals is technically and financially viable and regarded as one the most reputable institution in the Eastern part of the country.  It is under the leadership of Dr Om Tantia, Founder and Director of the Institute of Laparoscopic Surgery.  ILS Hospitals is a pioneer of laparoscopic surgery in Eastern India offering high-end laparoscopic surgery for a range of illnesses and diagnoses.

The bariatric department of ILS Hospitals has been awarded the Centre of Excellence by SRC and OSSI and Dr Om Tantia as the Surgeon of Excellence.


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