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North Macedonia-India to deepen bilateral ties says foreign affairs minister Mr Bujar Osmani

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1 September, 2023, Kolkata: A delegation from Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia, comprising Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr Bujar Osmani, His Excellency, Mr Slobodan Uzunov, Ambassador in India, and others visited Kolkata. The delegation from Mother Teresa’s city of birth visited the Mother House to pay their homage to St Teresa of Calcutta and also met the Archbishop of Kolkata, His Grace, Thomas D’Souza, and paid floral tributes amid prayers at a life-sized bronze statue of Mother Teresa stationed at the Archbishop House in Kolkata.

“We attach great importance to India and to the deepening and strengthening our bilateral relations. We envisage opening a new chapter, a new dynamic in economic and political cooperation. I believe there is a huge untapped potential to grow economic relations between India and the Republic of North Macedonia,” said Mr Bujar Osmani in Kolkata.

North Macedonia-India to deepen bilateral ties says foreign affairs minister Mr Bujar Osmani
Namit Bajoria, Honorary Consul General of the Republic of North Macedonia, His Excellency Mr Bujar Osmani, Hon’ble Foreign Affairs Minister, Republic of North Macedonia, Mr Subrata Ganguly of Church Art, Archbishop of Kolkata Thomas D’Souza and Dominique Gomes, Vicar General at a function to pay floral tributes and prayers at the statue of St Teresa of Calcutta at the Archbishop House in Kolkata. A team from Skopje (capital of N Macedonia) where Mother Teresa was born officially visited Kolkata and met the Archbishop.

“It is great to meet our guests from Skopje – the city where Mother Teresa was born – and pay tribute to Mother Teresa. I am thankful to our well wisher Mr Namit Bajoria, Honorary Consul of North Macedonia in Kolkata for his support,” said Archbishop of Kolkata, His Grace, Thomas D’Souza.

Mr Osmani met with Smt Vandana Yadav (IAS), Chairperson, WBIDC, and explored the possibilities to forge business opportunities and collaborations between West Bengal and North Macedonia. Smt Yadav requested and invited Mr Osmani to bring business delegations to Kolkata during the next Bengal Global Business Summit (BGBS) and have bsuiness-to-business (B2B) interface with local entrepreneurs and businessmen.

The Foreign Affairs Minister also met Mayor, Mr Firhad Hakim, and discussed possible collaborations in tourism, cultural and other areas. The Mayor extended his personal invitation to the minister to come to Kolkata at the next BGBS. Both agreed to increase cultural exchanges between North Macedonia and West Bengal.

“Our Ambassador in Delhi and our Honorary Consul of The Republic of North Macedonia in Kolkata, Mr Namit Bajoria, would take it forward and achieve our goals to achieve business and cultural ties with West Bengal,” said Mr Osmani.

North Macedonia-India to deepen bilateral ties says foreign affairs minister Mr Bujar Osmani
A delegation from The Republic of North Macedonia visited Kolkata and met the Archbishop at a function to pay homage to Mother Teresa. From left – His Excellency, Mr Slobodan Uzunov, Ambassador to India, His Excellency, Mr Bujar Osmani, Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr Namit Bajoria, Honorary Consul of the Republic of North Macedonia in Kolkata, Archbishop of Kolkata, His Grace, Thomas D’Souza handing over and framed picture of Mother Teresa to Mr Osmani at a function at the Archbishop House in Kolkata along with Mr Subrata Ganguly of Church Art.

“Mother Teresa is the guiding force that connects Skopje and Kolkata through a spiritual bond. While Skopje, where she was born was her janma bhoomi, Kolkata on the other hand was her karma bhoomi. I look forward to the deepening of socio, cultural, economic and political ties between India and Republic of North Macedonia in the years ahead,” said Mr Namit Bajoria, Honorary Consul, Republic of North Macedonia in Kolkata.

“Our Honorary Consul office of the Republic of North Macedonia in Kolkata would take pro-active steps to build an environment for conducive business growth and cultural exchanges with West Bengal and also develop people-to-people contact,” said Mr Namit Bajoria.

The bronze statue of St Teresa of Calcutta, conceptualized designed by Mr Subrata Ganguly of Church Art, was donated by Mr Namit Bajoria in September 2016 to mark a symbolic link between Kolkata and Skopje, Macedonia’s capital city where Mother Teresa was born. The statue was formally inaugurated by West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee a week prior to the canonization of Mother Teresa in early September 2016.

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