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Official Trailer of Parineeta Launched

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Official Trailer of Parineeta Launched

A Classic Tale from hoichoi’s Best of Bengal

Kolkata, Monday, 5th August: Hoichoi is thrilled to announce the launch of the official trailer for “Parineeta,” a web series under the Best of Bengal banner of hoichoi, that breathes new life into Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay’s beloved classic. Directed by Aditi Roy and adapted for the screen by Sarbari Ghoshal, the series features a stellar cast of Gaurav Chakrabarty, Debchandrima Singha Roy, Arpan Ghoshal, and others. The series is set to captivate audiences with its poignant storytelling and outstanding performances, premiering on 15th August.

A Tale of Love and Separation

Set against the backdrop of the Bengal Partition in 1905, “Parineeta” unfolds with Lalita and Shekhar’s chance encounter at Monghyr station after a four-year separation. Lalita, portrayed by the vibrant Debchandrima Singha Roy, is a spirited young woman whose memories with Shekhar, played by the talented Gaurav Chakrabarty, come flooding back. Their bond, deeply rooted in years of companionship and unspoken emotions, transcends the boundaries of simple friendship. Glimpses of their romance as young adults add a layer of nostalgia and longing to their reunion.

Stellar Performances

Debchandrima Singha Roy’s portrayal of Lalita brings a depth to the character, making her journey compelling and relatable. Gaurav Chakrabarty’s nuanced performance as Shekhar captures the complexities of Shekhar’s emotions, from deep love to possessiveness. Arpan Ghoshal brings a grounded and sincere presence to the role of Girin, adding another layer to the emotional dynamic of the story. The music by Indraadip Das Gupta adds much needed depth to the narrative.

Insights from the Cast and Crew

Actor Gaurav Chakrabarty, portraying Shekhar, comments, “Shekhar is a complex character with many layers of emotions. It was a rewarding experience to dive into his psyche and bring out his inner conflicts and passion. I am excited for the audience to see the trailer and experience the magic of Parineeta.”

Actor Debchandrima Singha Roy said, “I am elated to play such an iconic character, and I’m glad that the makers gave me this opportunity to pull off such a role! I hope the audience likes me as Lalita.”

Director Aditi Roy shares, “Bringing Parineeta to life has been a journey filled with passion and dedication. We aimed to stay true to the essence of Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay’s narrative as much as possible.”

Premiere Details

“Parineeta” is set to premiere on 15th August on hoichoi, offering viewers an immersive experience of a love story that has touched hearts for generations. The series is also getting a simultaneous release in Hindi on the same date.

About hoichoi

Hoichoi is the leading Bengali entertainment platform with over 2,000+ hours of movies, 100+ original series, films, shorts, docu-series, and more. Hoichoi aims to take the best of Bengali content globally and connect the 250+ million Bengalis residing worldwide to their roots. The OTT platform offers features such as offline download, ad-free seamless viewing, unlimited HD video streaming, bilingual interface (English & Bengali), multi-device capability, progressive web app, parental control, Hindi-dubbed originals, and English subtitles. Users can enjoy their favorite Bengali content on the hoichoi app by downloading it from the Play Store and the Apple App Store, or watch on desktop/laptop through, and on television through Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Apple TV, Mi LED TV, LG Smart TV, Samsung TV, Roku, and Google TV.

Founded in 2017, hoichoi is the maiden venture of SVF under its new media section and is headed by co-founder Vishnu Mohta, who is also the Executive Director of SVF.

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