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Pioneering Innovation in Education: Orchids The International School Launches ‘Imagine Hub’ Labs in Kolkata!

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Orchids The International School, a renowned name in the international K12 education landscape, unveiled the ‘Imagine Hub’ at its Newtown campus, marking a significant milestone in its commitment to providing cutting-edge learning opportunities for students. The inauguration ceremony was graced by esteemed dignitaries including Chief Guest Shri. Arindam Chakraborty, Assistant Director and Assistant Land Acquisition Officer, Govt. Of West Bengal; Guest of Honour Ms. Rubia Banerjee, Director In-charge, Kolkata Film and Television Institute, and Principal Bidyunmala Salunke of New Town, Orchids The International School.

Designed to enhance students’ cognitive skills, foster problem-solving abilities, and ignite creativity, the Imagine Hub labs represent a leap forward in educational innovation. Offering a diverse range of disciplines including Astronomy, Robotics, MAC Coding, Tinkering, Dance, Theater, Music, Weaving & Printing, Pottery & Painting, these labs are poised to inspire and empower students to explore their interests and talents.

The labs, crafted by HomeLane, a leading interior design company leveraging technology to provide comprehensive interior solutions, signify Orchids’ commitment to providing state-of-the-art facilities for holistic learning experiences.

Speaking at the launch, Chief Guest Shri. Arindam Chakraborty expressed his conviction that the Imagine Hub labs will serve as catalysts for curiosity and creativity among students, preparing them to confront the challenges of the future as global citizens. He lauded Orchids for its holistic approach to education, encompassing STEM subjects as well as Performing & Visual Arts.

Guest of Honour Ms. Rubia Banerjee commended Orchids for pioneering innovative learning opportunities through the Imagine Hub labs. She emphasized the role of practical learning and innovation in shaping the next generation of visionaries and creators.

Dr. Anna Maria Noronha, Vice-President, Academics at Orchids, highlighted the significance of lab-based learning in aligning with the vision of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2023. She emphasized the shift towards hands-on activities and exploration to equip students with practical skills essential for future careers.

Principal Ms. Bidyunmala Salunke expressed enthusiasm about introducing the Imagine Hub labs to students, underscoring Orchids’ commitment to providing a comprehensive and innovative learning environment. She emphasized the integration of diverse learning opportunities including STEM, athletics, technology, and the performing arts into the school’s curriculum.

The Imagine Hub represents Orchids’ dedication to fostering a well-rounded education system that empowers students to become lifelong learners and problem-solvers. By incorporating these labs into its curriculum, Orchids aims to equip students with the skills and mindset necessary to excel in the 21st century.

About Orchids The International School:

Orchids The International School (OIS) is a leading international K12 school chain in India, with its roots dating back to 2002. With over 90 branches across 25 major cities including Mumbai, Bengaluru, Pune, and Kolkata, Orchids provides modern infrastructure, personalized attention, and a carefully curated curriculum that emphasizes personality development alongside academic excellence. Orchids follows the CBSE and ICSE curricula infused with international teaching methodologies, catering to over 75,000 students with a team of 7000+ teaching and non-teaching staff. Orchids’ mission is encapsulated in its core anthem, “Shaping minds, Touching lives.” For more information about Orchids The International School and its lab initiatives, visit their website.

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