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Press Release: Indira IVF Pledges Training 300 Embryologists & 350 Fertility Specialists on World IVF Day

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Mumbai, 26 July 2023: Indira IVF, India’s largest chain of infertility treatments hospitals, pledges to train 300 and 350 embryologists and fertility specialists, respectively, needed by 2028. This initiative has been taken up to match the demand and supply gap for such professionals in the future, owing to the increase in the requirement of assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments in the next five years.  At present, India has roughly 1,350 trained embryologists whereas the demand was for 2,800 in FY23 as per estimates considering 1 embryologist per 100 cycles. In terms of fertility specialists, India has 1,950 gynaecologists that perform IVF treatment whereas the industry will need an approximate 3000 in the coming years. Estimates suggest that there are 40,000 gynaecologists in India in 2023. Speaking on the initiative,Dr Nitiz Murdia – Managing Director and Co-Founder of Indira IVF said, “The infertility treatment sector in India is currently on a growth path. In India alone, an estimated 280,000 IVF cycles have been performed in FY23; this number is expected to notch as high as 5,20,000 IVF cycles in FY28. This calls for a clear demand for trained professionals – both embryologists and fertility specialists – who can ensure patient satisfaction with the best possible outcomes. We would need approximately 6,250 embryologists and 3000 gynaecologists performing IVF by 2028 to meet the increasing demand, which is 4-5x and 1.5-2x respectively of the current demand.” Dr Kshitiz Murdia – CEO & Co-Founder of Indira IVF added,“The Indian infertility treatment industry can strategically match the demand of embryologists and fertility specialists through effective targeting and training.

 Indira IVF Pledges Training 300 Embryologists & 350 Fertility Specialists on World IVF Day

For instance, India currently has over 35,000 gynaecologists who can be trained to become specialists while leveraging post-graduate students in life sciences and clinical embryology to become expert embryologists.” “Thus far, we have already trained 150+ andrology technicians, 200+ embryologists and 350+ fertility specialists at our state-of-the-art training centre in Udaipur, Indira Fertility Academy. The Academy has access to world-renowned scholars and educators from the fertility treatment world and beyond, bringing together inspiring faculties from across the globe to train learners in IVF.

 Indira IVF Pledges Training 300 Embryologists & 350 Fertility Specialists on World IVF Day

The laboratory is equipped with cloud-based simulator that takes the learner through 1,500 modules and varied scenarios, equipping them to navigate real-life scenarios just like an expert with 10 years of experience would,” Dr Kshitiz Murdia added. Indira Fertility Academy (IFA) is the academic wing of Indira IVF, set up with a vision to develop and groom talent for infertility treatment. The Academy is based in Udaipur, Rajasthan and is recognised by Merck Foundation and British Fertility Society. In addition to training talent from India, students from countries in Africa, from Philippines, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, and other South-East Asian countries, gain knowledge and experience with the Academy’s hands-on training approach.

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