Unconventional Drama Unfolds
After the milestone success of “Drishtikone,” Bangla cinema’s evergreen duo, Prosenjit Chatterjee and Rituparna Sengupta, reunite for their record 50th film, “Ajogyo.” Directed by the acclaimed Kaushik Ganguly, “Ajogyo” is an unconventional drama that delves deep into how a troubling past can unsettle the present.
Plot Intricacies
“Ajogyo” tells the story of Raktim Majumdar, a once ordinary banker turned broken stay-at-home dad, desperately seeking employment. His wife, Parna, steps into the workforce during this crisis, landing a job at an investment firm. Their lives take an unexpected turn with the arrival of Raktim’s confidante, Prosen. This twist raises the question: Will Prosen bring peace and security, or will he plunge the Majumdar family into deeper chaos?
Celebrating a Cinematic Milestone
Prosenjit Chatterjee, who portrays Prosen in the film, expressed his joy, saying, “Working with Kaushik Ganguly is a pleasure for every performer. It’s my third consecutive movie with him and Surinder Films. Celebrating our 50th film together with Rituparna is extraordinary. This milestone reflects the viewers’ enduring desire to see us together on screen.”
Rituparna Sengupta, who plays Parna, shared her gratitude: “I’m incredibly grateful for the audience’s love and support over the years. Working with Kaushik Ganguly is a blessing. Despite his many responsibilities, he remains warm and joyful. I hope I’ve lived up to his expectations with this film.”
Directorial Insights
Director Kaushik Ganguly highlighted the uniqueness of “Ajogyo,” stating, “I couldn’t find another pair in Bengali cinema history who have completed 50 movies together. Rituparna and Prosenjit have never appeared in a love story like this one. ‘Ajogyo’ is out of the box and does justice to their maturity and experience. This film is part of their historical journey, and I’m thrilled to be directing them.”
A Stellar Team
Scheduled for release on June 7th, “Ajogyo” features music by Anupam Roy, Indraadip Dasgupta, and Ranajoy Bhattacharjee. The film promises to be a memorable addition to the illustrious careers of Prosenjit Chatterjee and Rituparna Sengupta, marking a significant milestone in Bengali cinema.