Allu Arjun’s “Pushpa 2: The Rule” continues its splendid box office run and is now within touching distance of the ₹1,200 crore mark in India. In the 30th day of its run, the film has grossed ₹3.85 crore and taking its total domestic collection to ₹1,193.6 crore. The movie is expected to cross ₹ 1200 crore over the weekend.
It is not only that the film has met success in India; it has attracted a lot of interest in other countries as well. In the United States, “Pushpa 2” has opened at the fifth position and collected $1.7 million on the first day.
“Pushpa 2: The Rule” has created new records in the Indian film industry, it has become the fastest film to collect ₹400 crore within two days and the first film to enter ₹1,000 crore club in eight days.
The success of the film is therefore attributed to the story line, excellent acting and its ability to be dubbed into different languages and regions. As it remains in theaters, “Pushpa 2” is set to set more records and establish itself even more in film history.