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Shotyi Bole Shotyi Kichhu Nei Completes 25 Days at the Box Office: A Cinematic Triumph!

Shotyi Bole Shotyi Kichhu Nei celebrates 25 days at the box office! Read about its success, the new music video release, and why this Srijit Mukherji film is a must-watch.

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Srijit Mukherji’s latest cinematic masterpiece, Shotyi Bole Shotyi Kichhu Nei, has successfully completed 25 glorious days at the box office. Even in its fourth week, the film continues to captivate audiences, witnessing packed theatres and enthusiastic applause both regionally and nationally. As a special celebration of this milestone, the soulful music video Tomar Ghawre Bawshot Kawre (Male Version), sung by Kaushik Chakraborty, has been officially released today.

Alt text: Official poster of Shotyi Bole Shotyi Kichhu Nei featuring lead actors.

The Film’s Ongoing Success

Since its grand release, Shotyi Bole Shotyi Kichhu Nei has received overwhelming praise from both critics and audiences. The film’s gripping narrative, exceptional performances, and Srijit Mukherji’s masterful direction have set it apart as one of the biggest successes in contemporary Bengali cinema.

Industry analysts highlight the film’s consistent performance, noting its steady box office collection and packed screenings. Many theatres have extended their showtimes due to popular demand, proving the film’s stronghold over audience engagement.

“This film is a testament to Srijit Mukherji’s storytelling prowess. The blend of suspense, drama, and psychological depth makes it a must-watch,” says a leading film critic.

The Soulful Music Video Release: Tomar Ghawre Bawshot Kawre

To celebrate the film’s continued success, the male version of Tomar Ghawre Bawshot Kawre, performed by the talented Kaushik Chakraborty, was released today. Originally composed and penned by Zahid Ahmed, the song beautifully encapsulates the essence of the movie’s intricate themes.

Alt text: A still from the music video Tomar Ghawre Bawshot Kawre featuring Kaushik Chakraborty.

The track has already garnered a significant response, trending across streaming platforms and social media. Fans have praised the song’s hauntingly beautiful lyrics and Chakraborty’s soul-stirring rendition, making it an instant favorite.

Why Shotyi Bole Shotyi Kichhu Nei Is a Must-Watch

1. Intriguing Storyline

The film explores a world where truth and deception collide, making the audience question reality at every turn. The screenplay keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, blending psychological tension with emotional depth.

2. Powerful Performances

Featuring a stellar cast, Shotyi Bole Shotyi Kichhu Nei boasts performances that breathe life into its intense storyline. Each actor delivers compelling portrayals, adding layers to the film’s enigmatic atmosphere.

3. Cinematic Excellence

From breathtaking cinematography to a meticulously crafted screenplay, the movie offers a visual and emotional feast. Srijit Mukherji’s signature style shines through, making this film a cinematic marvel.

4. Musical Brilliance

Apart from Tomar Ghawre Bawshot Kawre, the film’s soundtrack has been lauded for its rich compositions and lyrical depth. The music seamlessly complements the film’s narrative, enhancing its emotional impact.

Audience & Industry Reactions

Fans and critics alike have flooded social media with praise for Shotyi Bole Shotyi Kichhu Nei. Many viewers have expressed their admiration for the film’s thought-provoking themes and engaging storytelling.

“A mind-bending cinematic experience! Srijit Mukherji has once again redefined storytelling in Bengali cinema,” tweeted a movie enthusiast.

Box office reports suggest that the film is set to continue its strong performance in the coming weeks, further cementing its status as a blockbuster.


With its gripping narrative, stellar performances, and unforgettable soundtrack, Shotyi Bole Shotyi Kichhu Nei stands as a testament to the brilliance of Bengali cinema. The film’s 25-day milestone at the box office is just the beginning, as audiences continue to flock to theatres to experience its magic. Don’t miss the chance to witness this cinematic spectacle!


Have you watched Shotyi Bole Shotyi Kichhu Nei yet? Share your thoughts in the comments below! Also, don’t forget to stream Tomar Ghawre Bawshot Kawre and let us know your favorite moments from the film.

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