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Spend a love-filled valentine’s week by watching these titles on hoichoi

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With Valentine’s Day just around the corner. It’s time to enjoy some quality entertainment with your loved ones. Here’s a curated binge list for your entertainment needs.

Celebrate the 7 days of love with some heartwarming content in the world’s
sweetest language.
Spend a love-filled valentine’s week by watching these titles on hoichoi that celebrate love
in all its forms
Whether you have an extensive week planned with your loved one or choose to stay at
home and spend a cosy night in with a tub of ice cream, a curated binge list for your
entertainment needs is a must have this Valentine’s week. Watch some heartwarming
stories with your significant other, or celebrate self love by spending time with yourself.
hoichoi has the perfect list of content for all your needs, find below a list of titles specially
curated with love.

1) SRIKANTO (series) A modern day rendition of the literary classic of the same name, written by Sarat
Chandra Chattopadhyay; Srikanto is a tale of love, longing and loss, woven
beautifully by some soulful music. With Srikanto, Rajlokkhi and Abhaya playing
pivotal roles in the story, the tale revolves around Srikanto falling head over heels in
love with Rajlokkhi as a child and then rediscovering that love in adulthood, only to
discover that life is not as simple anymore. It’s this love that takes him down a
serpentine road , where he chances upon Abhaya and the story continues with
these three in tow, for what happens to be a beautiful yet bumpy ride. Directed by
Sani Ghose Ray and starring Rishav basu, Sohini Sarkar and Madhumita Sarcar in
lead roles, Srikanto is a must watch this valentine’s week, to experience all the
emotions associated with falling in love.

2) X=PREM (film) Love and memories go hand in hand, but what happens when memories fade away?
Can love still stand strong? A story about two young adults falling in love and leading
an adventure-filled life until it takes an unexpected turn and ends up putting their
love at stake. When one of them loses all memory of ever having met the other,
their love and the life they shared, what will the other do to bring back those
cherished memories? Directed by national award winning director – Srijit Mukherji
and starring Anindya Sengupta, Shruti Das and Arjun Chakroborty in pivotal roles,
X=Prem will take you on an emotional roller coaster for sure.

3) TURU LOVE (series)
A quintessential rom-com, that goes a little heavy on the comedy. Turu Love is a
story about the ins and outs of relationships and courtship. Exploring themes of
one-sided attraction, meet cutes and other emotions that form the crux of a
relationship, Turu Love starring Rishav Basu, Rajnanadini Paul and Ushasi Ray is a
story about love and relationships and is a must watch this valentine’s week.

4) MANBHANJAN (series)
Adapted from Tagore’s famous story of the same name, Manbhanjan is a story of a
woman who embarks on a journey of self discovery and finding love and a purpose
in life. This series not only explores the traditional theme of love but also takes a
deep dive into a woman’s journey of finding love within herself. A journey of growth
and self-love, Manbhanjan starring Anirban Bhattacharya, Sohini Sarkar and Amrita
Chattopadhyay is a period piece on love and self-development and is a must have on
your Valentine’s day watchlist.

5) PAANCH PHORON (series)
Spread across two seasons, this anthology series explores what valentine’s day is all
about – Love. With five stories from five directors, each exploring a different facet of
love. With an ensemble cast and a plethora of prominent directors, Paanch Phoron
is a show that is bound to leave you feeling warm and fuzzy for sure this valentine’s

6) CHOKHER BALI (film)
Adapted from Rabindranath Tagore’s story of the same name and directed by the
cinematic genius Rituparno Ghosh, chokher Bali is a classic that is a must watch for
every cinema lover and will definitely add that extra oomph to your Valentine’s day.
A story of the lonely, widowed Binodini and the newly-married, innocent Ashalata
and how they befriend each other in the inner halls of an aristocratic Bengali
household. A complex web of relations involving Ashalata’s husband Mahendra and
his friend, Behari, soon lands them in a whirlwind of lies, deceit and betrayal.
Starring Aishwarya Rai Bacchan, Prosenjit Chatterjee and Raima Sen, Chokher Bali is
available to watch on hoichoi.

7) NAGARKIRTAN (film)Love prevails in various forms and knows no bounds. It surpasses caste, creed.
colour , gender and everything in between. A story about a trans woman and a flute
player and how they fall in love and the circumstances they face and the journey
they undertake forms the crux of Nagarkirtan. Directed by Kaushik Ganguly and
starring Riddhi Sen and Ritwick Chakroborty in lead roles, this film has won the
national award for best film and has led Riddhi Sen to win the national award for
best actor. This film is a true celebration of love and is a must watch this valentine’s
day to celebrate its true spirit.

About hoichoi:
hoichoi is the leading Bengali Entertainment Platform with over 2,000+ hours of Movies,
130+ Original Series, Films, Shorts, Docu-Series, and more. hoichoi aims to take the best of
Bengali content globally and connect the 250+ million Bengalis residing worldwide to their
The OTT Player has many features like Offline Download, unlimited HD Video Streaming,
Bilingual Interface (English & Bengali), Multi-Device Capability, Progressive Web App,
Parental Control, Hindi-Dubbed Originals and English Subtitles, amongst others.
Users can enjoy their favourite Bengali Content on the hoichoi App by downloading it from
the Play Store and the Apple App Store, to watch on their Mobile Phones, or on the
Desktop/Laptop through or on Television through Amazon Firestick,
Android TV, Apple TV, Mi LED TV, LG SMART TV, Samsung TV, and Roku.
Founded in 2017, hoichoi is the maiden venture of SVF under its new media section, and is
headed by Co-Founder Vishnu Mohta who is also the Executive Director of SVF

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