SVF and Dev Entertainment Ventures have revealed the first look of Raghu Dakaat, a spectacular cinematic masterpiece set to captivate audiences during Pujo 2025. The film promises to be a grand celebration of Bengal’s rich cultural and historical heritage, reimagined through an unforgettable tale of courage and rebellion.
Bringing this ambitious vision to life is the celebrated duo of superstar Dev and award-winning filmmaker Dhrubo Banerjee. Together, they aim to redefine the landscape of Bengali cinema with a blend of stunning visuals, gripping storytelling, and emotional depth.
Raghu Dakaat narrates the legendary story of an enigmatic hero who rose during the turbulent 18th century, a time of chaos and upheaval. Written and directed by Dhrubo Banerjee, the movie delves into fantasy, folklore, and historical intrigue, creating an immersive cinematic experience.
The recently unveiled poster offers a glimpse of Dev as Raghu Dakaat, capturing the essence of this fearless and iconic outlaw. With breathtaking visuals and an intense portrayal, the poster hints at the scale and ambition of this epic adventure.
Prepare yourself to witness the birth of a legendary savior when Raghu Dakaat hits theaters in Pujo 2025.