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SVF Cinemas Ushers in a New Era with Bohurupi’s Triumph and a Landmark Opening in Howrah Maidan

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SVF Cinemas Ushers in a New Era with Bohurupi’s Triumph and a Landmark Opening in Howrah Maidan

SVF Cinemas recently celebrated a momentous occasion, showcasing its steadfast dedication to revitalizing Bengali cinema. The brand inaugurated its newest property in Howrah Maidan, marking its entry into the 18th district of West Bengal. This milestone was further elevated by the celebration of the blockbuster success of Bohurupi, which earned an impressive ₹2 crore at SVF Cinemas alone, contributing to its ₹15 crore collection across India.

The grand event was a testament to the film’s success and SVF Cinemas’ mission to bring the magic of cinema closer to audiences across the state. Directors Nandita Roy and Shiboprosad Mukherjee, lead actor Abir Chatterjee, music director Bonnie Chakraborty, and debut playback singer Shrestha Das were among the many stars who graced the occasion. Shrestha captivated audiences with songs like “Dakatiya Banshi,” “Tui Amara Hoye Ja,” and “Shimul Polash,” making her debut performance a standout highlight.

The celebration featured a vibrant cake-cutting ceremony and a heartfelt felicitation of the Bohurupi team, all in the presence of an enthusiastic, houseful audience.

A Milestone for Bengali Cinema

Nandita Roy, co-director of Bohurupi, expressed her joy, stating, “The overwhelming love for Bohurupi reaffirms the enduring connection between Bengali cinema and its devoted audience. Celebrating this achievement at SVF Cinemas’ newest property in Howrah Maidan is a proud moment, blending the charm of tradition with modern cinema experiences.”

Her co-director and actor Shiboprosad Mukherjee added, “It’s immensely fulfilling to see a story resonate so deeply with viewers. SVF Cinemas’ vast network has helped us reach every corner of Bengal, and this new property strengthens that bond. The journey of Bohurupi has been extraordinary, and we’re eager to continue reaching more hearts.”

Expanding the Reach of Cinema

Rudra Prosad Daw, VP of SVF Cinemas, highlighted the company’s vision, saying, “With the launch of our 22nd location and screens 46, 47, and 48 in Howrah Maidan, SVF Cinemas is now present in 18 out of 23 districts in West Bengal. This expansion reinforces our position as the state’s largest cinema chain. With 16 additional screens under development, our mission is to revive the golden era of Bengali cinema, where the state once boasted over 800 screens.”

An Elevated Viewing Experience

The Howrah Maidan property offers a state-of-the-art cinematic experience, featuring cutting-edge 2K and 3D projection, Dolby 7.1 surround sound, plush seating, and a curated gourmet menu. Every detail is designed to make movie-going an unforgettable experience.

The celebration of Bohurupi’s success and the launch of SVF Cinemas in Howrah Maidan symbolize a shared revival for Bengali cinema. SVF Cinemas continues to champion regional storytelling, ensuring that every film and every story finds its rightful audience on the grand stage.

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