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Taiwan Excellence Weekender 2023 Wraps Up with Spectacular Success, Fostering Innovation and Culture in Kolkata

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Kolkata, September: The Taiwan Excellence Weekender 2023, meticulously organized by Taiwan Excellence, came to a splendid conclusion at South City Mall in Kolkata. Commenced on 15th September, the three days event served as an outstanding platform, enabling visitors to explore the finest offerings and immerse themselves in the forefront of innovations emerging from this dynamic nation.

The Taiwan Excellence Weekender was a tremendous success, far more than an ordinary event. It served as a gathering where individuals could exchange knowledge between India and Taiwan, forge new friendships, and discover valuable business partnerships.

Taiwan Excellence Weekender 2023 Wraps Up with Spectacular Success, Fostering Innovation and Culture in Kolkata

Ms. Sing Jheng, Director of Taipei World Trade Centre Liaison Office in Kolkata, along with Mr. Debashis Sen, Managing Director at HIDCO and Chairman of New Town DA, Mr. Sambit Dasgupta, Asst. Director at BCCI (Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industry) and the well-known actor, Ms. Puja Banerjee, presided over the event’s opening.

Throughout this three-day extravaganza, attendees had the chance to explore a wide variety of the best products Made in Taiwan covering categories like ICT & Gaming, Fashion, Lifestyle, Home & Living, Sports, Health & Wellness, and more. The products showcase was done by brands like Acer, AIFA, Annie’s Way, AROMASE, ASUS, AVer, BenQ, CyberPower, Derma Angel, D-Link, Gigabyte, IPEVO, Karma, MSI, O’right, SAEKO, Thermaltake, Tokuyo, Transcend, VICTOR, and Zyxel.

In addition to the presentation of world-class products, the Taiwan Excellence Weekender presented an exciting three-day entertainment extravaganza. This included meet & greet with renowned artists like Neel Bhattacharya and Antara Nandy, captivating dance performances by the renowned dance troupes Bad Salsa and Beat Breakerz (India’s Got Talent famed troupes), various other entertainment acts like illusionist, live band, stand up comedy, thrilling contests, and lucky draws with the opportunity to win exciting prizes.

During the Taiwan Excellence Weekender’s inauguration in Kolkata, Ms. Sing Jheng, Director of Taipei World Trade Centre Liaison Office in Kolkata (TAITRA – Kolkata), eloquently conveyed, ‘The Taiwan Excellence Weekender embodies the convergence of innovation, culture, and the enduring partnership between India and Taiwan. It’s a transformative journey that brings the very essence of Taiwan to the heart of Kolkata. In the ‘City of Joy,’ where culture, history, and vibrancy harmonize, we celebrate Kolkata’s unwavering enthusiasm and passionate spirit. This occasion surpasses commercial boundaries; it is a testament to culture and collaboration, uniting nations and showcasing Taiwan’s cutting-edge excellence across diverse sectors.’

Speaking about this remarkable initiative by Taiwan Excellence, Mr. Debashis Sen, Managing Director at HIDCO and Chairman of New Town DA, stated, “As we embrace the winds of change, Taiwan Excellence is forging dynamic partnerships with India and this is a great opportunity for Kolkata to build a connection with Taiwan.”

The Taiwan Excellence Weekender left a lasting impression on Kolkata’s residents, offering them a firsthand glimpse of Taiwan’s finest offerings. Their enthusiasm has ignited a desire for more similar platforms in the near future. In recent years, the relationship between Taiwan and India has witnessed a remarkable upswing, especially in areas such as trade, investment, interpersonal connections, and cultural ties.

About Taiwan Excellence:

The Taiwan Excellence Awards were established in 1993 by the Ministry of Economic Affairs to recognize and celebrate the exceptional achievements of Taiwan’s most innovative companies. Each year, eligible candidates go through a rigorous selection process that assesses their products based on four important factors: research and development, design, quality, and marketing. A diverse group of experts carefully selects outstanding brands that excel in sustainability, design, research, and development, identifying exceptional products that embody innovation.

The Taiwan Excellence mark has gained global recognition as a prestigious symbol of quality and design, effectively showcasing Taiwan’s impressive product innovation. For more information, please visit:

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