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The Biggest Dance Show Of Bengal, DANCE BANGLA DANCE – Nachbe Gota Bangla Will Go On-Air This February

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India’s Disco King, Mithun Chakraborty, Is Back As Mahaguru After A Decade

Mouni Roy, Shrabanti Chatterjee & Shubhasree Ganguly Will Judge The Show

. Ankush Hazra Once Again Will Be Anchoring The Show

There Will Be 24 Participants, Including 12 Kids In The 12th Edition Of The Show

Kolkata, 31 January, 2023: The twelfth season of Dance Bangla Dance – Nachbe Gota Bangla just got BIGGER. Mahaguru, Superstar Mithun Chakraborty makes a comeback to this show after a hiatus of 10 years. Joining him as a Judge, for the first time on a Bengali Reality Show, will be Bollywood actress, Mouni Roy. Actresses, Shrabanti Chatterjee & Shubhasree Ganguly will be seen judging a dance show together for the first time. After a super successful stint last year, Tollywood star, Ankush Hazra returns as the host of this season of Dance Bangla Dance.

“Dance Bangla Dance has been one of the most popular reality shows of Bengal from the Zee Bangla’s table which widely caters to audience across age groups. Ever since the beginning, the show has identified, nurtured and produced extremely talented dancers who have made a mark in this profession. Having Mithun Chakraborty return as Mahaguru is a major plus for the show. He is a true inspiration for dancers and actors across generations. With the most glamorous artistes of Tinseltown, Mouni Roy, Shrabanti Chatterjee & Shubhasree Ganguly, who themselves are accomplished dancers, joining as judges, the show gets an unparalleled edge. Their inputs will be extremely beneficial for all the participants”, said Mr Samrat Ghosh, Chief Cluster Officer – East, Zee Bangla.


“The greatest achievement of Dance Bangla Dance over the years has been able to create a platform for dancers above four years of age to showcase their talents and get judged by some of the stalwarts of the industry in front of a large and discerning audience. This stage gave birth to many budding actors and performers over the years. Contestants, this year, have been selected through auditions held across the major districts of Bengal. There were over 20,000 applications from which these 24 contestants were shortlisted. These contestants will be provided with adequate grooming and workout sessions,” said Ms Navnita Chakraborty, Chief Channel Officer, Zee Bangla.

Dance Bangla Dance Nachbe Gota Bangla, directed by Avijit Sen, will have 24 contestants-12 adults and 12 kids, who will be judged separately. Indian classical to Bollywood to hip hop all genres of Dancing will be presented in a refreshing avatar. Judges will give scores of 10 for each performance. There will be a winner each from the Junior and Senior category and there will be contest between the winners of both the categories from where the Champion Of Champions will be chosen. This season there will be a continuous tussle between Mahaguru and ‘Bhoot’ aka Khatiya Kumar. Anchor, Ankush, will be seen balancing both the parties throughout the season and his vote will be considered as the most important decision. Judges will also be a part of the ensuing friendly banter between Mahaguru, Anchor and Bhoot. Each episode will have 3 kids and 3 adults participants performing.

Dance Bangla Dance is pioneering concept which Zee Bangla started and was later adopted in the Hindi and other regional language formats. The audience will be in for surprises and at the same time witness a thrilling competition interspersed with anecdotes and inputs from and performances by the judges.

Dance Bangla Dance – Nachbe Gota Bangla, will go on air from 11th February 2023, every Saturday and Sunday at 9.30 pm.

About Zee Bangla:

Zee Bangla is an Indian general entertainment pay television channel broadcasting in the Bengali language. It is owned by the Zee Entertainment Enterprises. It is the first Bengali-language satellite television channel in India, which officially commenced broadcast on 15 September, 1999. The channel was first launched as Alpha Bangla which was later renamed to Zee Bangla on 28th March, 2005. The channel launched its HD version on 20th November, 2016.

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