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The Legend Reborn: Kinetic Green Launches E-Luna, an All-Electric and Stylish Avatar of the Iconic Luna

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Kinetic Green, a pioneering name in India’s electric vehicle industry, has proudly unveiled its latest marvel, the E-Luna, at a prestigious event in New Delhi. Shri Nitin Gadkari, Minister for Road Transport and Highways of the Government of India, graced the occasion, marking the debut of the E-Luna, a modern, electric iteration of the legendary Luna. This launch introduces a disruptive, introductory ex-showroom price of just Rs. 69,990, positioning the E-Luna as the most affordable high-speed electric two-wheeler in India.

The unveiling of the E-Luna represents a significant milestone for Kinetic Green, as it symbolizes a return to the legacy of the Luna while embracing cutting-edge electric mobility technology. Designed to cater to the masses, the E-Luna aims to revolutionize personal commuting with its affordability, versatility, and sustainable features.

At the heart of the E-Luna’s design is a unique, metallic-colored, dual-tubular, high-strength steel chassis, providing not only durability but also a contemporary aesthetic reminiscent of sport motorcycles. This heavy-duty chassis ensures stability over various terrains and enables a remarkable 150 kg payload capacity, making it suitable for personal and commercial use alike.

The E-Luna boasts impressive features, including an advanced 2.0 kWh lithium-ion battery pack that delivers a range of 110 km on a single charge. Offering options of 1.7 kWh, 2.0 kWh, and a future 3.0 kWh battery pack with a 150 km riding range, the E-Luna empowers customers to choose according to their range and price requirements. Equipped with a BLDC mid-mount motor with 2.2 kW peak capacity, the E-Luna achieves a top speed of 50 km/h.

Moreover, the E-Luna comes with a range of convenient features such as fast-charging battery technology, swappable battery options for B2B use cases, CAN-enabled communications protocol, sleek digital meters with real-time DTE indicators, and IP-67 standard waterproof and dust-proof aggregates for durability.

Shri Nitin Gadkari expressed his enthusiasm about the launch, emphasizing the E-Luna’s role in promoting sustainable transportation. He lauded Kinetic Green’s vision to make electric mobility accessible not only to urban areas but also to Tier 2, Tier 3 cities, and rural areas of India, fostering geographical inclusivity and economic growth.

Ms. Sulajja Firodia Motwani, Founder and CEO of Kinetic Green, highlighted the significance of the E-Luna in reshaping India’s electric mobility landscape. She emphasized its affordability, practicality, and potential to serve a broader demographic, contributing to a sustainable and accessible future.

With its disruptive pricing, innovative features, and commitment to inclusivity, the E-Luna aspires to redefine electric mobility and propel India towards a greener and more prosperous future.

For those eager to embark on this electric journey, the E-Luna can be pre-booked for just Rs. 500 on the Kinetic Green website, with deliveries set to commence soon at all Kinetic Green dealerships nationwide. Additionally, the E-Luna will be available on popular e-commerce platforms like Amazon and Flipkart, offering customers the convenience of online purchase.

About Kinetic Green: Kinetic Green, a venture of the Kinetic and Firodia Group, is a leading player in India’s electric vehicle space, offering a wide range of electric vehicles, including three-wheelers, two-wheelers, and electric golf carts and buggies. Spearheaded by Ms. Sulajja Firodia Motwani, the company is committed to providing green mobility solutions to the masses and has achieved significant milestones in the electric vehicle industry. With a focus on innovation, affordability, and sustainability, Kinetic Green is shaping the future of transportation in India and beyond.

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