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The man who chose to leave the glitz and glamour of the films and live a private, happy life 

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Some People dream of becoming a part of the film industry but Imran Khan decided to choose a private life and live with his family. Khan whose original name was Imran Pal was born on 13th January 1983 in the United States his father’s name was Anil Pal and his mother’s name was Nuzat Khan who was the cousin of actor Aamir Khan. When his parents got divorced his mother came back to Mumbai, India and his surname was changed to Khan, he faced the problem of stammering at a small age and due to it he developed the issue of Facial Tic Disorder during this phase his mother decided to get married again and Imran was sent to a boarding school, later the principal of the school decided to open his own school and Imran along with his friends supported their principal and went to his school which was a Gurukul in the forest of Ooty where they had no electricity and had to wash their own clothes they sometimes even ate the organic food that they grew themselves this made Imran more confident and independent. Later he went back to his father in the U.S. and since he wanted to become a filmmaker he pursued a degree in Film making and eventually graduated. 

He developed an interest in films as he did a child role in the Aamir Khan film “Qayamat se Qayamat Tak” in 1988 and was also a part of the 1992 film “Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikander.” He went to an acting institute to develop connections, where he met Abbas Tyrewla, who offered him the lead role in the film Jane Tu ya Jane na opposite Genelia D’Souza, which was produced by Aamir Khan. This movie was released in 2008, which got him huge recognition and the Filmfare Award for Best Debut Male. Talking about his love life, he met Avantika Malik in 2002 and started dating her. Despite all the people suggesting he not share his relationship status in public, he didn’t hide anything from anyone, and in 2010, he got engaged to his girlfriend and married her in the next year itself. That year, he gave many films like Kidnap and I Hate Luv Stories, but these films didn’t get the critic’s appreciation. However, he got so much appreciation for his acting in 2011 for the film Delhi Belly. Over the years, fans debated about his acting, as some loved it and some didn’t. 

After the year, he did many films like Once Upon a Time in Mumbai, Ek Mein Aur Ek Tu, and the list goes on. Some films did decent at the box office, and some failed miserably. But even after all this, his fan following was still huge, and this bothered him because he wasn’t satisfied with his work as an actor. In the year 2015, he and his wife were blessed with a baby, and in the same year, he released his last film, “Katti Batti,” opposite Kangana Ranaut. After that, he was seen in no other films, but in the year 2019, news came up saying that his wife lives with their child separately and they are no longer together. Later, he directed a short film, and fans were expecting him to return as a writer or director in the film industry, but that hasn’t happened till now. 

Khan decided to prioritise his family and choose a private life rather than all the media attention, which everyone should respect as nothing is more important than one’s happiness and well-being.

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