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“The Mother of All haunted Places” -Dow Hill of Kurseong ! What’s the reasoning behind this ??

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“The Mother of All haunted Places” -Dow Hill of Kurseong ! What’s the reasoning behind this ??

Dow Hill is a popular tourist destination located in Kurseong, a hill station in the Indian state of West Bengal. There have been various reports and stories about paranormal activities and hauntings in and around Dow Hill and the adjacent Victoria Boys’ High School.

Local residents, as well as visitors, have reported experiencing eerie phenomena such as footsteps echoing in the corridors when the school is closed, the feeling of being watched, and sightings of a headless boy walking along the corridors. These stories have contributed to the reputation of Dow Hill being haunted.

While many people believe in the paranormal stories associated with Dow Hill, there is no scientific evidence to support the claims of haunting. The stories are primarily based on local folklore and urban legends that have been passed down through generations.
Located approximately 30km from Darjeeling, the Dow Hill of Kurseong—popularly known as the Land of White Orchids—is an ideal hill station for a quick getaway. The eerie spots and ghost legends associated with this lovely hill station, overshadowed by the neighbouring Darjeeling, attract travellers from around the world over here.

The ‘death road,’ which runs between Dow Hill Road and the Forest Office, is certainly not for the fainthearted. The sight of a headless ghost of a little boy strolling and vanishing into the forest is among the terrifying tales, recounted by many local woodcutters on the Dow Hill death road. People claim to have been followed and watched over by an unknown entity, especially inside the forest. Each time you visit this location, you will be gripped with an unexplainable eerie feeling. Thrill seekers as well as locals have made several attempts to venture into into Dow Hill’s mysterious forests and the results have been terrifying, to say the least. Locals claim that there is always a feeling of constantly being watched over as soon as one goes deep into the woods. Some people also noticed a ‘horrific red eye’ staring right into their eyes before vanishing in a flash. Not just that, there is also said to be a certain ghost of a woman dressed in grey who wanders about in this forest. Such is the air of Dow Hill that a lot of visitors are said to have lost their mental balance and gone to the extent of killing themselves later!

Victoria Boys School, located near the woods where innumerable tragedies have occurred, is rumoured to be haunted as well. The ominous gloomy aura of the woodlands extends to the school, according to the locals. Located in Kurseong’s mountainous terrain, this school has been operating since 1879. There are several legends about this school; some claim that throughout the months of December to March, when the school is closed, you can hear loud whispers and footsteps coming from inside the school!

Guards posted at the school during the holiday season claim to hearing voices of boys wandering in the corridor.

Locals also allege sightings of a boy, standing at the window, looking at them. They claimed to have seen a headless kid prowling about the school grounds. The school management, however, insists that there has never been an accidental or natural death on the school grounds.

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