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The Style Grove presents its first edition of spectacular blend of fashion, luxury and sustainability Fashion and Lifestyle Trunk Show

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Kolkata, 23rd August, 2023: The city of Kolkata witnessed a spectacular blend of fashion, luxury, and sustainability at the Fashion and Lifestyle Trunk Show – The Style Grove held at ITC Royal Bengal, Kolkata today. The event, which brought together renowned designers, artists, and eco-conscious enthusiasts, was not only a celebration of style but also a commitment to promoting recycling and sustainability in the fashion industry. Under the glittering chandeliers of the ITC Royal Bengal, attendees were treated to a mesmerizing showcase of specially curated fashion collections from all over India as well as international brands. The Style Grove urged their shoppers to get old clothes and electronics to donate to the NGO in return get a discount voucher of the designer participating in the exhibition that they redeemed the very day.

The Style Grove Exhibition was attended by: Richa Sharma, Imran Zaki, Sanaya Mehta Vyas, Shreya Pande, Sayantani Guhathakurta, Jyotee Khaitan, Didier Talpain, Rajendra Singh, Bhavna Hemani, Anisha Juneja, Varsha Wadhwa Chirimar, Ramesh Juneja, Lekha sharma & many other eminent personalities.

The Style Grove presents its first edition of spectacular blend of fashion, luxury and sustainability Fashion and Lifestyle Trunk Show

Speaking to the media, Ms. Anisha Juneja Curator of The Style Grove said, “We are thrilled to have hosted a truly exceptional Fashion and Lifestyle Trunk Show that not only showcased outstanding design talent but also championed the cause of sustainability, by promoting recycling and eco-conscious practices, we believe we can influence a significant shift in the industry towards a more sustainable future. We have collaborated with The Earth Day Network. The event started with The Earthday Network felicitating Sanaya Mehta Vyass as the athlete of the earth for the month.”

On this Occasion Ms. Varsha Wadhwa Chirimar, Curator of The Style Grove said, “The success of the event was evident through the enthusiasm and engagement of attendees, as well as the positive feedback received from designers, artists, and industry insiders. The ITC Royal Bengal provided an opulent backdrop that perfectly complemented the elegance and purpose of the occasion.”

The Fashion and Lifestyle Trunk Show on August 23, 2023, represented a powerful step forward in reimagining the fashion landscape as a force for good. By merging style and sustainability, the event inspired a new wave of conversations and actions within the fashion community. With an emphasis on conscious consumerism, The Style Grove aimed to inspire attendees to make responsible fashion choices and to bring about awareness about recycling and sustainability Some of the brands that participated were Zimmerman, Self – Portrait, Farm Rio, Cult Gaia, Reynu Tondon, Neeraj & Alpana, Nipa Badiani, Hype time, Panor by Gunjan Suri, Mallika Bhasin and many others.

The Style Grove presents its first edition of spectacular blend of fashion, luxury and sustainability Fashion and Lifestyle Trunk Show

About the Organisers: Anisha Juneja & Varsha Wadhwa Chirimar are a visionary in the fashion and lifestyle industry, dedicated to fostering positive change. Through their thoughtful curation of event, they look forward to shape the industry’s narrative and inspire others to embrace the importance of recycling and sustainability.

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