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“The Sweet success of Rosogolla: Unravelling Its Origins and Global Appeal “

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“The Sweet success of Rosogolla: Unravelling Its Origins and Global Appeal “

Bengal also lays claim to the origins of Rasgulla. It is widely believed that the sweet, in its current form, was perfected and popularized in Bengal, particularly in the city of Kolkata. The credit for this transformation is often attributed to the legendary sweet maker, Nobin Chandra Das, in the late 19th century. Nobin Chandra Das is said to have experimented with the recipe, using chhena as the primary ingredient and cooking it in sugar syrup. This innovation led to the creation of the spongy, syrup soaked Rasgulla that we know today. Infact , we have this much of rasgulla lovers that in Kharauna village in Madhubani, Lakhan has achieved a rare feat. At his nephew Munna’s wedding, he ate 718 rasgullas, a record that is still unbeatable today. He broke the record of his neighbour Kamal Misir from the village of Navani, who had eaten 690 rasgullas.

Variations and Regional Types

Over time, Roshogolla has evolved, and different regions have developed their own unique variations. Here are some notable variations of Roshogolla:

Kheer Roshogolla:
In this variation, Roshogolla is soaked in sweet, creamy kheer instead of the traditional sugar syrup. It offers a wonderful combination, with the creamy kheer complementing the spongy sweetness of the Roshogolla.

Kheer Roshogolla

Nolen Gur Roshogolla:
This type of Roshogolla is a winter specialty in Bengal. It is made using nolen gur, a date palm jaggery that is available during the winter months. The use of nolen gur imparts a unique, caramel-like flavour to the Roshogolla, making it a seasonal favourite.

Nolen Gur Roshogolla

Chocolate Roshogolla:
A modern twist on the classic, chocolate Roshogolla is infused with cocoa or chocolate sauce. It caters to the taste buds of chocolate lovers and offers a fusion of traditional and contemporary flavours.

Chocolate Roshogolla

Orange Roshogolla:
Orange Roshogolla is infused with orange zest or essence, creating a citrusy twist to the traditional recipe. It looks like another famous Bengali sweet, the rajbhog. This version of rasgulla is a refreshing variation that’s perfect for those who enjoy fruity flavours.

Orange Roshogolla

Baked Roshogolla:
A creamy and delicious dessert, baked rasgulla has become popular all over the country. This is a delicacy that you need to try to understand the hype about it. Roshogolla is covered with rabri and then baked to perfection.

Baked Roshogolla

Roshogolla, with its rich history and diverse variations, remains a beloved sweet in Bengal and beyond. Its journey from a regional delight to a global sensation showcases its enduring appeal.

5 most famous places of Kolkata for Rosogulla lovers

Balaram Mullick and Radharaman Mullick :
The top spot on every local’s list, this iconic place has the freshest, most spongy and delicious rasgullas that you will ever taste. The shop is famous nationwide for its sweets. They have delicious baked rasgullas that are a must try.

Nobin Chandra Das :
How can you not try rasgullas at the shop which is named after the man credit with inventing rasgullas? With varieties of this dessert to choose from at the shop, make sure you taste the classic roshogolla to taste true heaven.

Balaram Mullick and Radharaman Mullick

K.C Das :
Krishna Chandra Das, the son of Nobin Chandra Das, started his own confectionary shop in 1930, and the place is a must visit for any rasgulla lover. The shop is called the inventor of vacuum-canned roshogollas which are now famous across the country.

K.C Das

Chittaranjan Mistanna Bhandar :
The specialty of this dessert is that it is not too sweet, but spongy and satisfying at the same time. This is one place where you cannot just stop at one rasgulla. You end up eating more!

Chittaranjan Mistanna Bhandar

Super Snacks and Sweets:
A relatively new shop, it has become a favourite swiftly and smoothly. Located in Rail Pakur Road, visit this shop for the ultimate roshogolla experience. It is open till 10:30 at night,so your post dinner dessert craving is sorted.

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