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Trailer & Poster Launch of ‘Bhuban Babur Smart Phone’

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Bhuban Babur Smart Phone
Directed by Pranabesh Chandra & Santanu Basu
Production House: Chandracon
Presented by Mojoplex

Releasing on 2nd September


Chinta Mukhopadhyay, Paran Bandyopadhyay, Kharaj Mukhopadhyay, Ishan Mazumder, Siddhartha Ghosh, Chandraniv Mukhopadhyay, Patrali Chattopadhyay, Chanda Chattopadhyay, Debranjan Nag, Sandip Dey


Art Director- Ujjal Sarkar
Styler- Saswati- Mandrita
Colourist- P V Mani Kumar
VFX- Prime Focus Studio (Mumbai)
Sound Recordist- Nataraj Manna
Creative Producer- Amitava Mukhopadhyay (Mojoplex)
Executive Producer- Mrinmoy Roy
Subtitle- Souradeep Ray
Title card illustration- Debasish Deb
Sound Design- Subhadeep Sengupta
Additional Sound Design & Mixing- Abhijit (Tenny) Roy; Mumbai
Background Music- Dishari Chakraborty
Lyrics- Pranabes Chandra
Music & Vocalist- Upal Sengupta
Director of Photography- Ranjan Palit
Editing- Pranabes Chandra
Story, Script & Dialogue- Santanu Basu
Directed by Pranabes Chandra & Santanu Basu
Production House- Chandracon
Presented by Mojoplex




Bhuban Roy, an accounts clerk in a regional office of ‘Rajlakshmi Agro Ltd’, is 58 years of old now. A sincere person that he is, loves wearing a Dhoti and a Panjabi as his regular attire for his office. An inhibition keeps him away from computers, mobiles and other technologically run modern gadgets. He goes along well listening to his radio and running his fingers over the typewriter kept for him in his office. He is an orthodox person. Things for him starts changing when Ratul Sarkar gets transferred as the regional manager in his office. Ratul Sarkar succeeds in making him buy a mobile by sacaring him losing the job. But gradually, this alien gadget starts bringing trouble in Bhuban’s life. His trouble gets even bigger when a thief enters his house at night. After realising his presence Bhuban shortly gets acquainted with Hritwik the thief, who is an employee in ‘Kripasindhu Takeaway Services’, where a highly experienced thief Mr. Kripasindhu Sarkhel is his almighty boss, wherein theft is the business. Bhuban and Hritwik realises that smart phone has extinguished the flame of peacefulness that they both once possessed. In the meantime, police officer Bhujanga Dutta arrives in his house, searching for the gang of thieves that has already become a headache for the administration. But Bhuban’s kind heartedness and cleverness saves Hritwik from getting caught and helps him to hide. On the other hand Kripasindhu with his gang gets arrested. Next morning Bhuban realises that the thief has stolen his mobile and now is absconding. He is happy as he knows that the days of peacefulness is now to return. This very incident brings a change in his attitude towards life. He resigned from his job and choses to live on his terms now and not the terms chosen for him by his boss. On the contrary, Hritwik too has now turned a different human being. He quits his job as a thief and now aspires to earn an honest livelihood. Later on, Hritwik comes to Bhuban’s place for returning the phone, but Bhuban denies to keep it and gifts the same back to Hritwik. Moreover, Bhuban gives Hritwik some money which would help him with his trouble and live a life honestly along with his family.

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