~Ashmita’s arrival, heated arguments and Charusheela’s tragic fate lead to an unfinished wedding in
Colors Bangla’s ‘Tumpa Autowali’~

On the wedding day, Ashmita arrives at the Mullick mansion – a transformed individual, causing quite a stir in the family. While she tries to join the rituals, Alokesh disapproves it, leading to a heated argument between Charusheela and Alokesh. Right before the final pheras, Charusheela collapses during their dispute and passes away due to a heart attack. The wedding remains incomplete, and Tumpa faces the nightmare of losing Abir becoming a reality.

Having triumphed over all the obstacles in their path, what now lies in the future of Tumpa and Abir?

To watch what happens next, tune in to Tumpa Autowali, every day at 7.30 pm on Colors Bangla