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Unwrap the Festive Joy with Philips Audio: A Comprehensive Gifting Guide for Christmas and New Year

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The holiday season is synonymous with joy, and what better way to amplify the festive cheer than with the Philips Audio Range Gifting Guide for Christmas and New Year? Whether you’re shopping for a music enthusiast, a movie buff, a party animal, or a karaoke aficionado, the all-new Philips audio range introduces speakers that promise to transform any space into a sonic wonderland. From exceptional sound output to wireless microphones for karaoke fun, each speaker on this list is a gift that keeps on giving, ensuring the celebration continues with a long-lasting battery life. Perfect for outdoor celebrations, picnics, or impromptu dance sessions, the portability of these speakers ensures that the music never stops, no matter where the festivities take you.

Philips TAX5708: Elevate Your Music Experience

The Philips TAX5708 stands as a powerhouse of audio innovation, poised to take your music experience to the next level. With its Dynamic Bass Boost (DBB) button, choose from various bass presets, delivering a robust and powerful audio experience that makes the music thump with deep, resonant beats, ensuring a fuller and more impactful sound. But the experience doesn’t stop there – get ready to ignite the party with captivating party light effects. The speaker boasts bars of colorful lights that groove in sync with the music’s rhythm, offering five distinctive lighting modes to tailor the ambiance to your preferred dance style. Additional features include recording functions, a guitar input, and the convenience of a built-in carry handle and wheels for easy portability. Priced at INR 38,990, it’s available on Amazon at Rs.27,070.

Philips Soundbar TAB4218: Cinematic Sound for Festive Entertainment

Packed with festive features, the Philips Soundbar TAB4218 comes with a subwoofer boasting 3 EQ modes, allowing your loved ones to tailor their audio experience to unique preferences. With exceptional sound output at 120W, these speakers are expertly designed to elevate the enjoyment of favorite music, cinematic adventures, and all forms of entertainment during the festive season. The soundbar offers multiple connectivity options, including optical and coaxial options, Aux in, Bluetooth for wireless pairing, and direct playback from USB drives. Priced at INR 13,490, it’s available on Amazon at Rs.9,499.

Philips Tower Speaker SPA9085: Immersive Audio Entertainment

Make this holiday season unforgettable with the gift of immersive audio entertainment – the new Philips Tower Speakers SPA9085. Delivering an exceptional output of 100W, this speaker captivates with unparalleled clarity and depth, perfect for music, movies, and all forms of entertainment. Standout features include a robust wireless microphone, specially designed for Karaoke enthusiasts, and a wooden frame enhancing the overall acoustic experience. Priced at INR 19,990, it’s available on Amazon at Rs.15,499.

Philips Tower Speaker SPA9160: Setting a New Standard

Elevating the audio landscape, the newly released Philips Tower Speaker SPA9160 sets a new standard with a remarkable 160W output, delivering unparalleled clarity and depth. Designed for diverse entertainment, including music and movies, it enhances the festive ambiance. Noteworthy is the inclusion of a robust wireless microphone, finely tuned for Karaoke enthusiasts, injecting an engaging and dynamic element into home entertainment. Priced at INR 30,990, it’s a perfect addition to the home entertainment system.

Philips Multimedia Speaker SPA8170B: The Perfect Present for Audio Enthusiasts

Transform the holiday gifting experience with the perfect present for audio enthusiasts – the Philips Multimedia Speaker SPA8170B. Delivering a remarkable 100W sound output via a 4.1 channel, gift recipients will immerse themselves in exceptional audio encounters. The speaker comes with a 6.5” subwoofer for a richer dimension to movies, music, and more. With an array of connectivity options, including Bluetooth, USB, Optical In, and Aux In, this speaker ensures an immersive and joyous audio experience. Priced at INR 9,490, it’s available on Amazon.

Explore the full range of Philips audio products for an unforgettable festive season, where every note and beat contribute to the magic of the holidays.

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