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Visit Dubai and Real Madrid announce landmark global partnership, supporting the destination’s ambitious growth plans for the next decade

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Kolkata. 5th October 2023: Visit Dubai and Real Madrid Club de Fútbol, two leading brands with joint values, ambitions and a dedication to excellence and innovation, have kicked-off a landmark collaboration. The multi-year agreement promises a range of exciting activations, special fan moments and unique experiences for Dubai and Real Madrid fans. The newly formed alliance will equally serve as a powerhouse platform to create new growth opportunities for both institutions, and support Dubai’s ambitious plans as part of its recently announced Dubai Economic Agenda – D33.

Visit Dubai and Real Madrid announce landmark global partnership, supporting the destination’s ambitious growth plans for the next decade

Being at the forefront of global sports entertainment with the world’s greatest club aligns perfectly with Dubai’s ambitious plans to consolidate its position among the top three global cities. Launching this October, the partnership encompasses both Real Madrid’s First Men and Women Football Teams, and brings a taste of Dubai to Santiago Bernabéu, offering fans unforgettable experiences and services of the highest standards.

Issam Kazim, Chief Executive Officer of Dubai Corporation for Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DCTCM), and Florentino Perez, President of Real Madrid Club de Fútbol formalised the partnership during an official ceremony at the legendary Sala de Juntas in Ciudad Real Madrid, in the presence of Jose Angel Sanchez, Chief Executive Officer of the club, and Emilio Butragueño, Real Madrid legend and Director of Institutional Relations.

Visit Dubai and Real Madrid announce landmark global partnership, supporting the destination’s ambitious growth plans for the next decade

Emilio Butragueño, Director of Institutional Relations of Real Madrid, commented: “We are very proud of this new partnership with Visit Dubai as the Club’s first Official Destination Partner. Dubai is a destination that strives for excellence in all its entertainment offerings, which is a value shared by the Club. We are delighted to bring this exciting tourist destination to our millions of Madridistas around the world.”

Issam Kazim, CEO of DCTCM, commented: “We are excited to begin our journey with Real Madrid as a global partner. This game-changing collaboration between Dubai and the greatest club in the world is built upon a shared vision and values, where every achievement serves as motivation to pursue new heights. With our aim to consolidate Dubai’s position among the top three global cities, this strategic alliance will harness the strengths of a leading destination and the world’s most celebrated team, to reaffirm Dubai globally as the best city to visit, live, and work in.”

Visit Dubai and Real Madrid announce landmark global partnership, supporting the destination’s ambitious growth plans for the next decade

Dubai’s strong public and private sector relations are at the heart of its success, and this new collaboration with Real Madrid further builds on a longstanding partnership that Emirates has cemented since 2011. It is also perfectly timed for the upcoming Real Madrid themed-park, at Dubai Parks and Resorts, the largest theme park destination in the Middle East, which will further expand the city’s diverse destination proposition. The park, which will be the world’s first Real Madrid themed-park, will feature a number of Real Madrid-related attractions, such as a museum, amusement rides and football skill games, as well as food and beverage outlets, and retail spaces selling official Real Madrid products.

Kazim added: “Driven by our mutual dedication to excellence, leadership, talent, and innovation, we look forward to enjoy great success together, and showcasing Dubai and Real Madrid’s winning spirit to the world.”

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