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Who is Suchana Seth, the Bengaluru-based CEO arrested for ‘murdering’ her 4-year-old son in Goa

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Suchana Seth, the CEO of The Mindful AI Lab, an artificial intelligence start-up based in Bengaluru, found herself in a tragic situation when she was arrested near Chitradurga in Karnataka on Monday. The arrest was made as she was transporting the lifeless body of her four-year-old son in a bag. Goa Director General of Police, Jaspal Singh, informed India Today that Seth was accused of murdering her son in the state of Goa.

The Goa Police reported that the alleged murder took place in a hotel room in Candolim, North Goa. The motive behind the tragic incident was said to be Seth’s desire to prevent her ex-husband from meeting their son. The couple had tied the knot in 2010, and their son was born in 2019. However, due to disputes, they went through a divorce in 2020. The court had granted the father the right to meet their son on Sundays. The suspicious circumstances arose when hotel staff noticed Seth checking out alone after checking in with her son.

Promptly alerted by the hotel staff, local police took action, leading to the arrest of Seth. Subsequently, the child’s lifeless body was discovered.

Here are some key points to know about Suchana Seth:

Suchana Seth, arrested by Goa Police for the alleged murder of her four-year-old son, is an AI ethics expert and a data scientist with over 12 years of experience.

Her professional background includes mentoring data science teams and scaling machine learning solutions in both startup environments and industry research labs, as indicated on her LinkedIn profile.

In 2020, Seth founded The Mindful AI Lab, an AI-based startup specializing in AI ethics, hands-on prototyping, and the deployment and scaling of machine learning systems.

Recognized for her expertise, Seth was featured on the 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics List 2021, alongside notable figures like Patricia Shaw, Rachel Kuo, Rachel Thomas, Serife Wong, Susan Levy, Renee Cummings, Saara Hyvonen, and Suzanne Kite.

Seth has been a Mozilla Fellow at Data & Society, a Fellow at the Berkman Klein Centre at Harvard University, and a research fellow at the Raman Research Institute.

During her tenure at Berkman and Data & Society, Seth focused on operationalizing ethical machine learning and AI in the industry.

Her research interests encompass fairness, accountability, and transparency in machine learning, ethical monetization of AI, security vulnerabilities in machine learning and AI systems, and the regulatory landscape for predictive algorithms.

Seth holds four US patents in the fields of artificial language, machine learning, natural language processing, and text mining.

Apart from her professional achievements, Seth has led data science workshops with organizations like Women Who Code.

In her role as a research fellow with the Raman Institute, she applied mechanics to address challenges in Polymer Physics.

The tragic incident involving Suchana Seth has shocked many, highlighting the complexities and personal struggles that individuals, even those with notable professional accomplishments, may face in their personal lives.

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