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Why Zakaria Street is so famous ? What’s the beauty of Zakaria Street ??

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Why Zakaria Street is so famous ? What’s the beauty of Zakaria Street ??

As the mercury rises in summer, the Zakaria Street food comes alive, particularly for those observing fast in the holy month of Ramzan. Therefore, Zakaria Street Kolkata is a melting pot of the city during this time of the year, not limited to particular food bloggers and photography enthusiasts. Thus, the labyrinth of alleys got delicacies prepared live around the corner. Winter is subsequently the second season to explore the food galore.Zakaria Street is a street that joins Rabindra Sarani with Chittaranjan Avenue (Central Avenue) in Central Kolkata. Nakhoda Mosque is situated in this street. It is the biggest ramadan market in Kolkata.Mohammad Ali Park is located very close to this street.This street is very popular to food bloggers. During the colonial period, the British authority divided the city of Kolkata into two parts. There was a part of the British whose name was White Town. Zakaria Street was then part of Black Town. Zakaria Street was developed as a residential area in the past. In the nineteenth century, Haji Nur Muhammad Zakaria, a Muslim businessman from the Kutchi Memon community, lived on Armanitola Street. This street is named after him. Later, especially after the riots of 1910,

some Muslim families left the area. In 1911, as part of the development work of Calcutta Improvement Trust on the street, it demolished several slums owned by some Muslims, leading to frequent inter-communal territorial fights between the prosperous Marwaris and working class Muslims of this area. Then several Marwari families started to dominate in this area. Frequent riots drove many Marwaris away from the street in the 1950s.There are about 100 temporary stalls on this street during the month of Ramadan. There are also at least thirty restaurants open throughout the year. A variety of food is sold in front of the Nakhoda Mosque on the street. This place is usually famous for sahri and iftar food during Ramadan season. A variety of kebabs are available on this street. Haleem is available at Sufia and Aminia Restaurant on Zakaria Street. Chicken Changeji, a North Indian dish, is sold on many more restaurants, including Dilli 6 on this street. Halwa and Lachcha Sewai are also available here.Royal India Hotel sells mutton chap and biryani here.This street is popular for Bakarkhani.


Adam’s Kabab Shop

In this case, we start with Zakaria Street food from Phears Lane; the first shop we encountered was the legendary and one of the oldest shops in the vicinity, Adam’s Kebab Shop.

The shop was established 150 years ago! They specialize in Suta Kabab and Boti Kabab.

Suta Kabab is prepared with beef meat paste of meat and spices around iron skewers and subsequently tied with a cotton thread or suta. Otherwise, the meat will fall off while barbecued on the flat-laid charcoal bed. Boti Kababs are beef chunks tied in a skewer. In short, this is the softest, juiciest kebabs you can have.

Al Baik

A couple of steps ahead towards Colootala crossing, a new age shop, Al Baik, prepares mind-boggling Chicken Special Kabab and Chicken Malai Kabab. In short, they are similar preparations where the special kabab is grilled with skewers on flatbed charcoal. Malai kabab is a tikka cube version roasted inside a tandoor. In brief, both ooze the goodness of malai, with each bite melting inside the mouth.

Dilshad Laziz Kabab

Furthermore, taking steps ahead through the narrowest lane at the end of the tunnel is waiting for us, Dilshad Laziz Kabab with the cheapest and most popular Malai Kabab and Dahi Kabab. Incidentally, Dilshad Bhai is a customer-friendly person in the area with modesty at ground level, always smiling and answering all our questions. Generally, he prepares live beef delicacies in front of us. Thus, we witnessed how whitish cream-coloured meat turned to golden brown through searing on a fire charcoal bed.


Behold, we set our foot at the famous Khau Galli corridor. The most popular crowd-puller, Taskeen, is waiting to welcome us with Murgh Changezi. The chicken breast or leg portion is marinated in 50 plus spices before double-fried in boiling oil and copped in pieces before serving. Chicken is measured in weight, and around 200 grams should be enough for a single person. It’s a glorified crispy fried chicken – at Rs 600/kg, it is overhyped.

Keep space for those luscious, thick, creamy Falooda and Lassi. These are necessary to wash down the spice and keep your energy quotient high in this sultry weather.

Dilli 6

Besides Taskeen, their closest competitor and another crowd-puller is Dilli 6 .

Dilli 6 is famous for the smoky and creamy indulgence of Afghani Chicken. Tandoor roasted chicken mixed with fresh cream, butter, and chat masala is a crime to skip. Do not miss trying Afghani Chicken with Sheermal. However, the Afghani Chicken price at Rs 600/kg is steep compared to the Zakaria Street standard.

Bombay Hotel

Furthermore, one must miss the Bombay Hotel for some mind-boggling Beef Boti Kababs and Beef Chaanp. Not only can you roll Beef Boti stuffed inside paratha with chopped onions and green chilli, but you also can relish beef chaanp with paratha. The outlet prepares the best beef chaanp in the city. Also, if you still have space left inside, try some Phirni at the Bombay Hotel.

Haji Allauddin Sweets

Indeed, do not forget the legendary Battisi or Batteesa Halwa from 100 years old Islamic sweet shop Haji Allauddin Sweets. The dark-coloured halwa is prepared with 32 ingredients enriched with dry fruits and leaves a wonderful taste. In contrast, the light-coloured Mawa Laddo made of a mix of mawa (reduced milk) or khoya with boondi leaves a sign of balanced sweetness.

Equally, Gulab Jamun is a best seller here, different from Kolkata’s big brand commercial shops. Smaller in size, no fuss in looks, but a burst of ghee flavours. Alternatively, Akhrot Halwa is an unsung hero full of akhrot (walnut) in a serving. It is another must-try even though it is lesser known to many. The shopkeepers are so decent and experts in hospitality. Once you become a known face in the outlet, they will pamper you by tasting their new arrivals.

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