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ZEE5 Expands Regional Repertoire with Bengal’s Biggest Murder Mystery

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Premiering on Independence Day

Kolkata, 31st July, 2024: ZEE5, India’s largest home-grown video streaming platform, is set to deliver an Independence Day treat with the premiere of its latest original Bengali thriller, ‘Kaantaye Kaantaye,’ on August 15. This gripping detective series is based on Narayan Sanyal’s iconic book ‘Sonar Katha’ and promises to captivate audiences with its intense storyline and stellar cast.

Star-Studded Cast

Produced by Shyam Sunder and directed by Joydeep Mukherjee, ‘Kaantaye Kaantaye’ features the versatile Saswata Chatterjee as the brilliant advocate P.K. Basu, National Award-winner Ananya Chatterjee as Rani Basu, and marks Soham Chakraborty’s electrifying OTT debut. This powerhouse ensemble breathes life into a story that’s as much about solving crimes as it is about confronting personal demons.

A Gripping Plot

Set against the misty, storm-lashed backdrop of Darjeeling, the series plunges viewers into a world where nothing is as it seems. P.K. Basu, haunted by the tragic loss of his daughter, finds himself in a race against time at the ominous Hotel Repose. As a killer stalks the halls, seeking their next victim, a savage storm cuts off all communication with the outside world. Trapped with a cast of suspicious characters, each harboring their own dark secrets, P.K. Basu must rely on his razor-sharp intellect to unmask the murderer before they strike again.

Commitment to Quality Content

Manish Kalra, Chief Business Officer at ZEE5, expressed his excitement, stating, “At ZEE5, we’re thrilled to present ‘Kaantaye Kaantaye’, featuring some of the biggest talents of the Bangla creative ecosystem. Our content strategy has always focused on quality storytelling and local collaborations. This series is a nod to Bengal’s rich literary tradition and we believe it will captivate audiences across India.”

Behind the Scenes

Director Joydeep Mukherjee remarked, “Bringing ‘Kaantaye Kaantaye’ to life has been a journey very close to my heart. We’ve taken Narayan Sanyal’s beloved ‘Sonar Kanta’ and reimagined it for today’s audience. Set against the storm-ravaged backdrop of Darjeeling, it’s more than a mystery – it’s a psychological rollercoaster.”

Stellar Performances

Saswata Chatterjee shared his thoughts on playing P.K. Basu, “This role has been incredibly rewarding. Basu’s journey from a successful lawyer to a man haunted by personal loss is compelling. It’s a character that requires both intellect and emotion.”

Ananya Chatterjee, portraying Rani Basu, commented, “Rani’s character is complex and emotionally resonant. Despite her grief, she aids her husband with his cases, offering valuable insights.”

Soham Chakraborty, making his OTT debut, expressed his excitement, “Debuting on OTT with the role of Subir Roy has been incredibly thrilling. The series is packed with intensity and unexpected twists.”

Don’t Miss the Premiere

Tune in to ZEE5 this Independence Day, August 15, for the thrilling premiere of ‘Kaantaye Kaantaye’ and join P.K. Basu in solving a murderous mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

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