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54th Garment Buyers & Sellers Meet and B2B Expo by West Bengal Garment Manufacturers & Dealers Association

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Kolkata, 20th July, 2023West Bengal Garment Manufacturers and Dealers Association, having completed its glorious 58 years of dedicated service to garments sector in our State organized the 54th Garment Fair and B2B Expo spread over three days (20th, 21st & 22nd July 2023) at Biswa Bangla Mela Prangan, Kolkata. This landmark event was attended by more than 600 national and international brands at the Exhibition and was expected to generate Rs. 500-700 Crore business transactions at the wholesale deals.

54th Garment Buyers & Sellers Meet and B2B Expo by West Bengal Garment Manufacturers & Dealers Association

Considering the importance of this endeavor of the Association in developing the State economy, the event was attended by the State Government and the leading business houses. The event was inaugurated by Sri. Sujit Bose, Minister of State for Fire, Govt. of WB; Sri. Dilip Mondal, Minister of State Transport Department, Govt. of WBThe event was also graced by the presence of other eminent personalities like: Sri. Nirmal Jain, Founder, Evergreen Hosiery IndustrySri. Hari Kishan RathiPresident of WBGMDASri. Vijay KariwalaSenior Vice President of WBGMDASri. Pradeep MurarkaVice President of WBGMDASri. Devendra BaidHony. Secretary of WBGMDA and several other well-known industrialists.

This association has been organizing Garment Fair and B2B Expo since its foundation days to develop a modern, vibrant and competitive garment sector, which is mainly MSME, and to enable the State in becoming a strong hub in the global textile supply chain. The WBGMDA – Buyer Sellers Meet with no retail transactions has been evolved as the most visited and trusted business meet in the Eastern part of the country. This event has also its own impact in generating huge employment and supporting the SGDP to a great extent.

54th Garment Buyers & Sellers Meet and B2B Expo by West Bengal Garment Manufacturers & Dealers Association

On this occasion, Sri. Hari Kishan Rathi, President of West Bengal Garment Manufacturers & Dealers Association stated, “Starting in a small way with a big dream, our Past Presidents and fore-runner of the industry laid the path, and it is a happy augury that today we are following their principles. Over the years with the overwhelming support of our members and well-wishers, we are upgrading ourselves step by step.”

Speaking about the event, Sri. Devendra Baid, Hony. Secretary of West Bengal Garment Manufacturers & Dealers Association said, “The Buyers & Sellers meet organized by our Association has seen massive success over the course of five decades doing business in the eastern part of the country. Despite an often tumultuous economic climate, as well as the rise and fall of countless garment companies, this Meet has continued to grow and provide the best support to the industry to know and grow with the changing paradigm.”

54th Garment Buyers & Sellers Meet and B2B Expo by West Bengal Garment Manufacturers & Dealers Association

The other Key Committee members who were present at West Bengal Garment Manufacturers & Dealers Association were: Sri Kanhiyalal Lakhotia, Treasurer; Sri Prem Kumar Sinhal, Jt. Treasurer; Sri Hari Prasad Sharma, Former President; Sri Chand Mal Ladha, Former President; Sri Amarchand Jain, Sri Tarun Kumar Jhajharia, Sri Ashish Jhawar, Sri Manish Rathi, Sri Kamlesh  Kedia, Sri Manish Agarwal, Sri Kishore Kumar Gulgulia, Sri Vikram Singh Baid, Sri Sourav Chandak, Sri Vijay Agarwal, Sri Manish Jain, Sri Saket Kumar Khandelwal, Sri Ajay Sultania, Sri Rajiv Kedia, Sri Sandip Raja, Sri Brij Mohan Mundhra, Sri Bhuwan Arora, Sri Mohit Dugar – Executive Committee Members.

About WBGMDA: West Bengal Garment Manufacturers and Dealers Association is a leading organization representing readymade garment industry and trade in Eastern India. Established in 1962, the Association has been rendering dedicated services for development of readymade garment industry in this region. Our Association was formed under the banner of Bharat Chamber of Commerce, which we are still affiliated to. The Association has over 500 members, a democratic structure, is led by a Core Committee, Committee Members and Co-opted Members to give proper direction to this institution. The Association organizes Buyers and Sellers Meet twice a year, organizes seminars, helps members to understand Government decisions and policies, celebrates Holi and Diwali together with its members and patrons and also organizes Blood donation and Vaccination camps.

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