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Ahead of Puja, renowned actress Ridhima Ghosh inaugurates Godrej Interio’s new store in Kolkata

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“The retail brand aims to strengthen presence in the West Bengal and eastern markets of the country”

Kolkata, September 9th, 2022: Godrej & Boyce, the flagship company of the Godrej Group announced that its business Godrej Interio, a leader in home and office furniture has launched its new outlet at Baruipur in Kolkata. Spread across sprawling 7000 sq.ft. this state-of-the-art store was launched by Ridhima Ghosh, the celebrated actress across the Bengali Film industry. With the launched of the store, Godrej Interio aims at bringing customer delight this festive season beginning with puja.

The store is located in the prime area of Baruipur – an extremely famous locality of South Kolkata, in close proximity to leading residential & business hub thus making the brand’s quality offerings accessible to customers in the vicinity. The store offers specially crafted products in home furniture for dining, living and bedrooms, home storage and mattresses. Godrej Interio is also offering either assured free gifts or discounts with every purchase as an inaugural offer.

Expressing her excitement on inaugaurating the new Godrej Interio store in the city, popular Film actress Ridhima Ghosh said, “I preferred to choose my home decor and furniture as an extension of my personality. I am extremely delighted to be part of this new decor centre from Godrej Interio, which is one of the leading and most trusted brands in the country.”

Speaking on the importance of the new store in Kolkata market, Subodh Mehta, Senior Vice President, Godrej Interio, said, “Kolkata is a lively metro and remains our most important marketing the east region. Its residents have always had a fondness for designer and modular home furniture. With design thinking at the core of everything we do, our focus is to provide greater value to our diverse set of consumers. Durga Puja is a grand celebration in Kolkata and our consumers here look forward to this time of the year to upgrade their homes and spend quality time with their family. We are confident that Godrej Interio’s exciting offers on home and kitchen offerings will add value to our customers in Kolkata and West Bengal. On an average, 20% of Godrej Interio’s revenues come from the West Bengal market. These new stores strengthen our brand presence and experience in the retail furniture market.”


About Godrej Interio:

Godrej Interio is India’s leading premium furniture brand in both home and institutional segments with a strong commitment to sustainability and centers of excellence in design, manufacturing and retail.

Led by the largest-in-house design team in the country in the furniture category and awarded with 34 India Design Mark Awards till date, GODREJ INTERIO aims to transform spaces with the thoughtfully

designed furniture to create brighter homes and offices with products that have the highest design quotient in aesthetic, functionality and technology. With consistent pursuit of excellence and a special focus on health and ergonomics, Godrej Interio’s product portfolio comprises of a wide range of solutions.

Today, we design and manufacture furniture for office spaces, homes, educational institutes, healthcare facilities, laboratories and more. Along with furniture we offer Audio Visual and 360 degree Turnkey solutions. Each of the product range revolves around comfort and aesthetics while delivering well-designed, long lasting and functional furniture solutions. In short, Godrej Interio helps the consumers to make every space the perfect setting for their myraid moods and moments.

Currently presents in over 450 cities with 450 exclusive showrooms and 520 dealer outlets, is one of the largest divisions of Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., part of the Godrej Group, one of India’s largest engineering and customer product groups

Godrej Interio has 7 manufacturing facilities situated at Mumbai, Khalapur, Haridwar, Shirwal, and Bhagwanpur. Godrej Interio’s Shirwal plant is Green Co-Platinum certified and Mumbai Plants are Green Co Gold Certified. Godrej Interio is widely known for its comprehensive sustainability certification for its products in furniture category.

Godrej Interio commitment to the environment has resulted in the manufacturing products with their environment footprint. Our pioneering efforts include designing less environment burdening products, usage of eco-friendly materials and setting up less polluting and consuming process es, ensuring eco-friendly packaging and transportation and finally the extended responsibility of recycling/reuse of used furniture and scrap, thus ensuring a lifecycle approach to green. Godrej Interio has the widest range of green choices for our customers which not only includes products but also services such as green interiors and recycling.

The brand boosts of noteworthy awards received so far – Cll Exim Bank Award for Business Excellence 2016, Superbrands 2017-18, Reader’s Digest Most Trusted Brands 2018 Gold (Home furniture and Modular Kitchen), TRA’s India’s Most Consumer focused brand 2019, GreenCo Star Performer Award 2019, National Energy Leader Award at Cll National Award for Excellence in Energy Management 2018.

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