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Boudi Canteen Songs Hit The Right Notes At The Music Launch

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Kolkata, 21″ September, 2022: One of the major Pujo releases this year, Boudi Canteen, directed by Parambrata Chattopadhyay, hosted a gala musical evening today. The lead cast members including Shubhashree. Ganguly, Dasgupta alongwith Music Director, Joy Sarkar & Actor Anushua Mazumdar, Director, Chattopadhyay were present for the occasion.


The singers, Arkadeep Mishra & Ishan Mitra performed the songs from Boudi Canteen for the august gathering. Pushan Parambrata The song ‘Tiring Biring’ is jointly sung by Iman Chakraborty & Arkadeep Mishra, Ishan Mitra has sung the song ‘Olpo Anchei Ranna Hok’ and Madhumanti Bagchi has lent her voice to ‘Ekla Hote Hote’.


All the songs are composed by Joy Sarkar. Ace poet & lyricist Srijato has penned the songs ‘Olpo Anchei Ranna Hok’ & ‘Ekla Hofe Hote’ while Dipangshu Acharya has written the lyrics of the song ‘Tiring Biring’. The music of ‘Boudi Canteen’ by Joy Sarkar has a very soft and melodious appeal. The songs released by Zee Music Company will be available across all leading online music platforms.

“The songs of ‘Boudi Canteen’ are integral part of the story and it will definitely connect with the audience. The song, Tiring Biring is apt for this festive season as the tunes make one jive in the festive fervor. The other songs are sipped in emotion that will definitely have a longer impression on the audience”, said Parambrata Chattopadhyay, Director, Boudi Canteen.

Aritra Sen is behind the story of ‘Boudi Canteen’ and the film is edited by Sumit Chowdhury, the dialogues are written by Ms Samragnee Chakraborty Banerjee, screenplay is jointly done by Samragnee Chakraborty Banerjee and Soumyashree Ghosh, while Rwiddharwita Khan is the Production Designer & Niranjan Bhattacharya is the Art Director. Boudi Canteen, jointly produced by Shadow Films, RT Network Solutions & Roadshow Films, narrates the story of Poulami, a young and involved housewife, who is an ardent home chef. After some difficult times, she becomes the production head of her own Food Business creating her fabulous range of dishes. The husband, being supportive of his wife’s talents, agrees and the business floats. The couple, though, were zipped up regarding giving the news to the matriarch in the household. But the mother-in-law, gets to know about the food business and comes down heavily on her, which makes her leave the house. The story then takes an interesting turn.. Boudi Canteen will be releasing on 30th September, 2022 across leading standalone theatres and multiplexes across West Bengal.

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