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Compost Carnival: Waste Not, Compost Lots

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Celebrating Earth Day with Sustainable Practices

Kolkata, 21st April, 2024: As the world marks the 54th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, Kolkata witnessed a remarkable event aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and fostering a culture of composting. Hosted by a coalition of organizations including The Mamta Sumit Binani Foundation, Home for You, Yi of CII, Emami Kolkata Centre for Creativity, Maheshwari International Business Foundation, Eyantram, Sew In Style, and MSME Adda, the “Compost Carnival: Waste Not, Compost Lots!” was a beacon of inspiration and education held at the Golden Tulip Hotel.

Hands-On Learning

The event commenced with an engaging hands-on composting session, drawing participants of all ages. From seasoned environmentalists to curious youngsters, everyone had the opportunity to delve into the art of composting and learn effective waste reduction techniques. Composting, a natural process akin to the decomposition of leaves in forests, was elucidated as a means to recycle organic matter into nutrient-rich soil, fostering plant growth and enriching ecosystems.

Insights from Leaders

Eminent personalities graced the occasion, including CS (Dr.) Adv. Mamta Binani, Ms. Shital Bavishi, Baibhav Agarwal, Richa Agarwal, Bishnu Lohia, Rajani Kedia Ghosh, Prashant Maheshwari, and Ashish Mittal. Dr. Mamta Binani highlighted the significance of composting in environmental sustainability, emphasizing its role in transforming organic waste into a valuable resource. Baibhav Agarwal lauded the carnival for promoting composting as a means to reduce waste and nurture soil health, fostering a sustainable future.

A Call to Action

The Compost Carnival served as a rallying cry for the community to embrace composting and adopt sustainable practices. Through informative workshops and interactive activities, participants gained practical insights into incorporating composting into their daily lives. By diverting organic waste from landfills and harnessing its potential to enrich soil, individuals contribute to a healthier planet and a greener future for generations to come.


As the curtains draw on the “Compost Carnival: Waste Not, Compost Lots!”, its legacy of environmental stewardship and sustainable living continues to inspire. By harnessing the power of composting, individuals can play a pivotal role in mitigating environmental degradation and preserving the planet for posterity. As we celebrate Earth Day and reflect on our collective responsibility towards the environment, let us heed the call to action embedded within the ethos of composting: Waste not, compost lots!

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