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hoichoi announces the release date of the upcoming Sixth Season of Eken Babu

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hoichoi announces the release date of the upcoming Sixth Season of Eken Babu – ‘Eken Babu Ebar Kolkatay’, with Anirban Chakrabarti, Joydeep Mukherjee and Sujan Dasgupta: the author of the Eken Babu novels.


  • Eken Babu Ebar Kolkatay is all set to grace your screens this Christmas –


Kolkata, 22 November, 2022: hoichoi announces the release date of the 6th Season of Eken Babu, titled Eken Babu Ebar Kolkatay. The 6th Season is all set to release on Christmas 2022 and is the brand’s Christmas offering to its audiences. This season shows Eken Babu in Kolkata after traveling across the country solving various mysteries and that’s not the only special thing in this season. Eken Babu Ebar Kolkatay also has the quirky detective solve the mystery behind a serial killing for the first time as well.

The release date for Eken Babu Ebar Kolkatay, the 6th installment in the Eken Babu series was announced amidst the media fraternity by the lead actor – Anirban Chakarabarti, the director – Joydep Mukherjee and the author of the Eken Babu novels – Sujan Dasgupta. Sujan Dasgupta the author of the novels and creator of the iconic Eken Babu character, spoke about his journey behind creating the character, the stories and his take on Eken Babu on screen.

Talking about his thoughts on Eken Babu’s journey from the books to the screen, author Sujan Dasgupta said, I was a tad bit surprised when I learnt that someone wanted to make a series or a film on Eken Babu. I don’t think I ever began writing the books imagining something of this sort will happen. But when I saw it take shape on screen and the way audiences loved it and the recognition and praise the character received surely made my heart full!”


Joydeep Mukherjee, the director of Eken Babu Ebar Kolkatay, talks about this season saying, This season is different from the others and almost a milestone in Eken Babu’s detective career, as for the first time he’ll be seen solving a crime in his own city – Kolkata. Not only that, he also traverses the territory of serial killings in this season and I’m sincerely hoping that the audiences enjoy this adventure of Eken Babu as much as they did the previous ones, if not more.”


Anirban Chakrabarti, our very own Eken Babu added to this saying, “Even after six seasons, Eken is a character that I will always love playing, but the challenge is that you have to bring some change, some freshness to the character with each passing season while keeping the true essence of the character alive. This season follows Eken Babu across Kolkata solving a gruesome serial killing, while the setting is new, the adventure is new and so is Eken Babu’s mystery solving procedure, his quirks and his love for food remain constant. Here’s hoping that the audience will watch it this Christmas and show the same kind of love that they have always shown us.

Talking about Eken Babu’s journey, Soumya Mukherjee, COO hoichoi said, Eken Babu is amongst our most loved series and it’s been our absolute joy to bring Sujan Dasgupta’s stories to life and acquaint the world with a detective like Eken Babu. This obviously wouldn’t have been possible with Anirban Chakrabarti’s iconic performance and the way he owned the role. Hopefully, our viewers will love the upcoming season – Eken Babu Ebar Kolkatay , directed by Joydeep Mukherjee as well, after showing immense appreciation to it’s five predecessors. “

Stay tuned to watch the new adventures of Eken Babu in Eken Babu Ebar Kolkatay, slated to release this Christmas exclusively on hoichoi!



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