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hoichoi ropes in the biggest names in the industry for its 2023 lineup!

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hoichoi ropes in the biggest names in the industry for its 2023 lineup!
Announces 8 new shows with Ziaul Faruq Apurba, Afran Nisho, Azmeri Haque Badhon, Bidya
Sinha Saha Mim, Mosharraf Karim and others.
– hoichoi announces its slate of 8 upcoming originals featuring popular & new
creators and actors –


Dhaka, January 19, 2023: hoichoi kickstarts 2023 with an exciting event where it announces its
upcoming content slate for hoichoi Bangladesh for 2023. 2022 proved to be an extremely
momentous year, owing to massive hits like Kaiser, Karagar, Bodh, Sabrina, Dour to name a few;
OTT debut of talents like Mehazabein Chowdhury and Afran Nisho and the overwhelming love
the content received worldwide. Keeping up with its illustrious predecessor, hoichoi now
promises to make 2023 even more action packed with its upcoming slate at hoichoi Meet 2023.
Bringing back fan favourite directors and creators like Syed Ahmed Shawki, Tanim Noor,
Ashfaque Nipun and Krishnendu Chattopadhyay, hoichoi is also bringing to its audiences an
array of popular and new talents, whom you know and love and will now see featuring in some
amazing content. 2023 marks the arrival of stars like Ziaul Faruq Apurba, Bidya Sinha Saha Mim,
Azmeri Haque Badhon while new creators like Sunny Sanwar, Faisal Ahmed, Anam Biswas,
Taneem Rahman Angshu and Safayat Mansur Rana join hands with hoichoi to bring forth
quality entertainment for the viewers.

hoichoi Meet 2023 turned out to be a star studded affair with the top talents of the industry
gracing the event. With top media outlets, partners, renowned industry professionals amongst
others, hoichoi Meet 2023 was a raging success and left audiences extremely excited for the
year to come.

Talking about hoichoi Meet 2023, Vishnu Kant Mohta, Co-Founder hoichoi said, “We at hoichoi
are extremely proud of ourselves for being the top vernacular OTT platform there is, with 130+
originals in just 5 years and massive hits from hoichoi Bangladesh. We launched hoichoi
Bangladesh in 2019, when OTT culture was almost an obscure concept in the country. But we
saw the stellar performances and films coming from the country and knew that we needed to
tap into this market. Ever since hoichoi’s inception in Bangladesh we have delivered some
extremely successful shows that are loved and recognised worldwide. Our users are the primary
reason behind our growth and we are extremely grateful for the love they’ve shown us. Which is
why we are glad to announce 8 new shows in 2023 and keep increasing our content slate from
this country.”

Soumya Mukherjee, Chief Operating Officer hoichoi, shared his thoughts on hoichoi Meet
2023 saying, “This time our focus is to present the best kind of content to our audiences. hoichoi
has always believed in bringing the best talents – both creators and actors to ensure that quality
entertainment reaches its viewers. This year we are announcing 8 new originals in Bangladesh,
with top creators like Ashfaque Nipun, Tanim Noor, Syed Ahmed Shawki, Faisal Ahmed, Sunny
Sanwar amongst others. We’re bringing back popular faces like Moharraf Karim, FS Nayeem,
Azmeri Haque Badhon and Afran Nisho, while also introducing industry favourites like Apurba
and Bidya Sinha Saha Mim. We have high hopes from this year and are sure that we’ll be
successful in keeping our audiences across the globe entertained.”

hoichoi Meet 2023 is a celebration of hoichoi Bangladesh’s content over the years, since its
inception and the growing popularity it’s constantly receiving worldwide. With OTT culture
increasing exponentially and breaking geographical barriers, audiences all across the globe are
getting acquainted with Bangladesh’s content and talent.

Talking about his plans for hoichoi Bangladesh and hoichoi Meet 23, Sakib R Khan, Country
Director of hoichoi Bangladesh said, “hoichoi Bangladesh started its journey in 2019 with
Dhaka Metro and now have over 10 originals that are critically acclaimed and loved by our users
worldwide. hoichoi as a brand has always aimed to entertain Bengalis across the world in their
native language. Hence to ensure that we are easily available and accessible to the masses we
have partnered with GrameenPhone, Robi and Banglalink to increase ease of accessibility and
reach out to Bengalis across the globe. Besides that we also want to ensure that our customers
get the best entertainment and hence have on-boarded some of the top creators and actors in
the country to tell relatable and engaging stories that the audiences will love and resonate with.
We are announcing 8 originals for this upcoming year and intend to create even more shows
moving forward ”


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