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Indulge in Timeless Elegance with KAZO’s End of Season Sale, offers up to 70% Off across offline & online stores

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KAZO Fashion, the renowned fashion brand celebrated for its versatile designs and unparalleled quality, is thrilled to announce the highly awaited End of Season Sale (EOSS). Embrace unmatched style with discounts of up to 40%, available both online and at KAZO’s exquisite offline stores starting from December 14, 2023.

For a phenomenal style upgrade during KAZO’s End of Season Sale (EOSS), visit KAZO retail outlets nationwide, where unbeatable deals await – enjoy a 20% discount on the purchase of 1 item, a 30% discount on the purchase of 2 items, and go all out with a 40% discount on the purchase of 3 items. Online shoppers can revel in jaw-dropping discounts of up to 70% on some of the most sought-after styles.

Introducing the EOSS, Divya Aggarwal, Creative Director at KAZO, expressed, “As the enchanting season of Christmas and New Year approaches, we’ve unveiled our winter wear collection both in-store and online. Immerse yourself in the magic of sequins and glamour, harmonizing perfectly with our array of winter essentials – from the elegance of capes to the sophistication of overcoats and the warmth of faux fur jackets. Styled just right, our winter wear collection promises to cocoon you in warmth, blending seamlessly with dazzling outfits destined to make you the shining star of every social gathering! Our end-of-season sale features jaw-dropping discounts and unbeatable deals, providing the perfect opportunity for you to charm your way through outfit dilemmas and indulge in the festive spirit with KAZO, all without breaking the bank!”

With Janhvi Kapoor, KAZO’s new brand ambassador, steering the brand to new heights, it recently welcomed the new season with the highly anticipated unveiling of its Autumn-Winter 2023 Collection.

KAZO’s EOSS is now live for shopping, alongside the newly launched AW’23 collection, available at KAZO retail stores, the website, and the user-friendly mobile app. Additionally, the new apparel range is accessible on multi-channel platforms such as Myntra, Ajio, Nykaa Fashion, Amazon, Tata CliQ, Flipkart, Shoppers Stop, and more.

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