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Karnataka Tourism Showcases a Fusion of Heritage, Wildlife, and Nature at IITM Bengaluru 2023

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Karnataka Tourism proudly marked its presence at the IITM Bengaluru 2023 from July 28th to 30th, 2023, with an impressive 200 -sq. mts exhibit at the Tripura Vasini Palace Ground. The prestigious event provided an ideal platform for the state to showcase its abundant heritage, vibrant culture, and diverse tourism potential to an enthusiastic and diverse audience.

Karnataka Tourism Showcases a Fusion of Heritage, Wildlife, and Nature at IITM Bengaluru 2023

The three-day event garnered an exceptional response from visitors, travel professionals, and industry experts; all enthralled by the abundance of Karnataka’s tourism offerings. The stand beautifully showcased the heritage architecture of Lakkundi, serving as an emblem of Karnataka’s regal and cultural heritage. Additionally, the branding prominently featured the majestic Jog Falls, the enchanting Yana Caves, and the picturesque Bandipur National Park, all of which highlighted Karnataka’s diverse wildlife and nature attractions.

The stand artfully blended elements of heritage, wildlife, and nature, offering a comprehensive portrayal of the state’s distinctive attractions. Through seamless integration of these aspects, the Karnataka Tourism stand at IITM Bengaluru 2023 delivered an immersive experience, enticing visitors to delve into the rich cultural tapestry and embrace the breathtaking natural wonders that Karnataka has to offer.

Karnataka Tourism Showcases a Fusion of Heritage, Wildlife, and Nature at IITM Bengaluru 2023

The Karnataka Tourism stand was inaugurated by Sri H.K. Patil, Hon’ble Minister for Law & Parliamentary Affairs, Legislation and Tourism, in the presence of Mrs. Indiramma – General Manager, KSTDC, Mr. Manoj Kumar – Manager KSTDC and Mr. Manjunath – Manager Jungle Lodges & Resorts. The pavilion included various tourism service providers from Karnataka, such as Quality Holidays and Cars Pvt. Ltd., The Quorum Hotel, Intersight Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd., The Silver Sky Hotels and Resorts, VHF Resorts (Cintacor Island Resort), Skyway International Travels, Galore Inn LLP, Kings Club, Rio Meridian Hotels Pvt. Ltd., Hotel Le Ruchi the Prince, Hotel Sandesh the Prince Mysore, Green Embassy Hotel, Woodstock Resorts, The Aurum Subrahmanya, Honey Dew Resort, Three Friends Travels International, Hassan Hotels Pvt. Ltd., Country Club Hospitality & Holidays Ltd., TGI Hotels & Resorts, Aglaonema Hotels & Resorts, Java Rain Resorts, Hotel Malligi Pvt. Ltd., Aadrika Hotel, Inventree Hotels & Resorts, Leisure Travel Sensational Odysseys, Bangalore Taxi & Holidays, Mysore International Pvt. Ltd., Bindigaa Peak Resorts Pvt. Ltd., Mysore Taxiwala Car Rentals Pvt. Ltd., Global Village Luxury Resorts, Niraa Wellness, Niraamaya Retreats, Ravishing Retreat Luxury Resort, Commfort Inn Insys, Kimmane Golf Luxury Resorts, Dholes Den, Sun Group Hotels and Machaan Plantation Resort, further highlighting the comprehensive tourism experiences available.

Karnataka Tourism Showcases a Fusion of Heritage, Wildlife, and Nature at IITM Bengaluru 2023

Throughout the event, the Karnataka Tourism delegation actively engaged in profitable discussions with domestic tour operators, travel agents, and other key stakeholders. The primary objective was to reinforce existing partnerships and establish new collaborations, thereby bolstering tourism to the beautiful state of Karnataka.

Karnataka Tourism’s prominent presence at IITM Bengaluru 2023 served as a testament to its unwavering commitment to showcasing the state’s extraordinary potential and captivating offerings. The event garnered an exceptional response, with numerous visitors and trade partners displaying a keen interest in Karnataka’s diverse tourism offerings. With its incredible diversity, Karnataka stands as a premier tourist destination, beckoning visitors to immerse themselves in its splendid wonders throughout the year.

Karnataka Tourism Showcases a Fusion of Heritage, Wildlife, and Nature at IITM Bengaluru 2023

The resounding success of Karnataka’s participation at IITM Bengaluru 2023 underscores the state’s tremendous potential in attracting tourists not only from Bangalore but also from beyond its borders. Karnataka continues to shine as an alluring gem in India’s tourism landscape, inviting travellers to discover the magic it holds within its boundaries.

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