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KAZO Launches its SS’24 Collection alongside Brand Icon Janhvi Kapoor

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Experience Elevated Work, Social, and Glam Wear

National, February 13, 2024: Embracing the dawn of KAZO 2.0, the esteemed fashion label renowned for its versatile designs and impeccable craftsmanship, unveils its Spring Summer 2024 collection with the Brand Ambassador Janhvi Kapoor. This collaboration not only showcases the brand’s versatility but also embodies the spirit of empowerment and individuality it aims to impart to its customers.

Featuring a vibrant yet sophisticated color palette that evokes a sense of romance and elegance, the SS’24 collection is a celebration of femininity. From chic co-ord sets, stylish shirts, statement blazers, floral tops, trendy trousers, to enchanting dresses, this collection effortlessly blends glamour with comfort. Janhvi Kapoor’s unique charm, coupled with KAZO’s evolution in style, adds a distinctive allure to these carefully curated pieces.

Divya Aggarwal, Creative Director at KAZO, expressed her excitement about the SS ’24 collection, stating, “We are thrilled to introduce KAZO 2.0 with Janhvi Kapoor as our style muse. The SS ’24 collection promises to showcase versatile styles and elevated fashion, seamlessly blending work, social, and glamour aesthetics. It’s a celebration of diverse moments, infused with elegance and sophistication.”

Siddhant Aggarwal, Director of Operations at KAZO, added to the excitement, saying, “We are delighted to have Janhvi Kapoor as the face of our Spring Summer ’24 collection. Her presence perfectly embodies the essence of our brand and will undoubtedly amplify our online and offline endeavors. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in engaging with our diverse customer base, propelling us towards greater heights in the fashion industry.”

Notably, the SS ’24 collection features eco-conscious elements such as BCI cotton, linen, viscose, cotton gauze, blended linen, and textured dobbies, showcasing KAZO’s commitment to sustainability. Available across KAZO’s online platforms and leading e-commerce sites like Myntra, Ajio, Nykaa Fashion, Amazon, Tata CliQ, Flipkart, and Shoppers Stop, this exquisite collection invites fashion enthusiasts to explore and embrace elevated clothing.

Each piece from the collection is meticulously crafted, ensuring that every woman experiences the perfect blend of confidence and comfort. The fashion narratives of KAZO resonate seamlessly with Janhvi’s sentiments – embodying empowerment, comfort, and a readiness to shine on any occasion.

As KAZO sets sail into the new era with Janhvi Kapoor as its beacon of style, the Spring Summer ’24 collection promises to redefine fashion, offering a delightful fusion of contemporary trends and timeless elegance.

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