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Make a pit stop at Aminia as your favourite Mughlai diner just debuted in Kolaghat

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Since its inception in 1929, Aminia has been captivating the hearts and souls of
gourmands all across the city with its authentic Mughlai and Awadhi cuisines. The richness of the diverse
Mughlai delicacies at Aminia and the restaurant’s unparalleled service has raised the bar for Kolkatans’ dining

The well-known pit stop Kolaghat, located along National Highway 116, has recently been added to the biryani
behemoth’s list of outlets. The brand owners wanted to make sure that those travelling by car to or from the
city didn’t miss out on the flavourful Mughlai dishes by Aminia that has been pioneering the Mughlai cuisine
segment in the City of Joy for generations. Mayor of Kolkata, Firhad Hakim graced the inaugural ceremony on
December 4th, 2022, with their presence. The brand-new Kolaghat outlet will provide a space for highway
travellers to stop by while travelling to refuel with expertly crafted Mughlai food and beverages. The outlet
features a seamless blend of traditional and contemporary elements, keeping the trademark aesthetic alive.
The sprawling restaurant perfectly embodies the City of Joy’s glances, figments, and fragments.

Dishes on the eclectic menu of the Kolaghat outlet feature a diverse range of Mughlai and North Indian
delicacies along with Aminia’s Classics like Mutton & Chicken Biryani, Aminia Special Mutton Curry, Aminia
Special Mutton Rezala, Chicken Chaap and Firni, to name a few. Amnia’s quintessential classics Mutton and
Chicken Biryani are acclaimed for their perfect aroma and heavenly taste. The biryani, served with a Kolkata
favourite ‘aloo’ (potato), boasts tender meat that falls off the bone and is a must-have. The Aminia Special
Mutton Curry, a crowd-pleaser across all Aminia outlets, is one of the most exquisite bone-off-the-marrow
specialities enjoyed by gourmands. This royal delicacy from Aminia is one of the longest-served dishes that
blend in authentic Awadhi flavours. The recipe, which was curated to satiate the breakfast needs of Britishers,
continues to rule the hearts of Mughlai aficionados. It includes two soft and juicy chunks of mutton, one egg,
one whole tomato, one whole onion, one whole potato, and one slice of carrot slow-cooked in a lightly spiced
delicious gravy. Aminia’s Chicken Chaap is also a very popular dish amongst the gastronomes. Essentially
slow-cooked, the chicken tangdi is marinated overnight to let the meat absorb all the flavours. The classic Firni
is a melt-in-your-mouth dessert flavour-packed with the goodness of milk, saffron, and nuts that is ideal to end
your meal with. Aside from these renowned classics, Aminia’s extensive menu in its Guwahati outlet includes
tantalising appetisers such as Chicken Tandoori, Chicken Cheese Kebab, Mutton Galawti Kebab, Mutton Boti
Kebab, and much more.

“My favourite dish is biryani, so anytime I’m in the mood for some, I just order it straight from Aminia. Since
the very first moment I learned about this renowned Mughlai brand, Aminia has held a special place in my
heart. I would like to request that everyone visit Aminia Kolaghat at least once to experience the delectable
Mughlai cuisine and their unparalleled service. Aminia has been a go-to place for Kolkatans who love Mughlai
cuisine. Now that it has a new outlet in Kolaghat, gourmands won’t have to miss out on their favourite Aminia
delicacies while they are travelling,” stated Firhad Hakim, Mayor of Kolkata and the inauguration ceremony’s
chief guest.

Janab Firhad Hakim, Md.Azhar, Mr.Kabir Azhar

When questioned about the brand’s extensive history and legacy, Mohammed Azhar, the Chairman &
Director of Aminia, said, “In 1929, our first outlet opened on Zakaria Street. We are a brand with a long history
that goes all the way back to the period before independence. From a little diner, we have progressed to a
myriad of outlets. The love of our devoted patrons has enabled us to flourish while we adapt to their evolving

“We are delighted to expand, starting with Siliguri, moving on to Guwahati, and now entering Kolaghat. We
are pleased to confirm that all our outlets are operating successfully. We are always trying to figure out what
our clients want from us and how we can keep satiating their Biryani cravings. We absolutely hope to extend
our business further across the country so that Aminia can be hailed as a legacy and glorious example of a
Mughlai restaurant in Kolkata’s history,” Kabir Mohammed Azhar, Director of Aminia, stated on being asked
about future expansion plans.
“We’ve always endeavoured to keep the sophistication level high, being one of the best and most established
Mughlai diners in the city. We are optimistic that gourmands would love our Kolaghat outlet just as much,”
quoted Azra Asher Ather, the director of sales.
Asher Mohammed Ather, Director of Aminia, remarked on how they have managed to keep up the quality
standards of the brand, “We have consistently upheld Aminia’s high standards for both quality and brand.
Likewise, the Kolaghat outlet will be kept hygienic and clean for regular travellers.”

What: Aminia’s new outlet in Kolaghat
Where: P.S, Village and Mouza – Barisha, J.L No. 289 P.O, Kolaghat, West Bengal 721134
Date: 04 December, 2022
Time: 12 noon onwards
Price: 700/- for two (approx)

About Aminia:
The history of Aminia dates back to 1929. Today, Aminia is being run by third and fourth generations with
fourteen outlets across the city. They serve the famous Mughlai/Awadhi cuisine, and each and every dish which
they offer has a serene taste that one can’t let go of. Aminia’s biryani and kebabs are one thing to fall for
whenever you have a bite or have its smell. It has an essence of its own. Aminia is situated in different extreme
locations serving people everywhere with love. The Mughlai dine den opened its all-new outlet in Kolaghat.

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