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Max Fashion’s ‘Max Debi Boron’ celebrates the spirit of the strong women of Bengal

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Kolkata, September 05, 2022: India’s leading family fashion brand, Max Fashion takes an opportunity to felicitate the women who have truly optimized the true essence of Goddess Durga through a Grand Event – Max Debi Boron, in the presence of Arjun Chakrabarty and Ishaa Saha, today at City Centre 1, Salt Lake, Kolkata. Max Fashion with an endeavor to brighten up this Durga Pujo has donated new garments to 20+ underprivileged women and girl children. Max Fashion has tied up with eminent NGOs like Niloy Home, Madhyamgram and Child Care Home, Salt Lake for this initiative.

Max Fashion also launches their latest festive collection through a Fashion Show to celebrate the biggest festival of Bengal, Durga Pujo. The Pujo collection is showcased by Arjun Chakrabarty, Ishaa Saha & Preksha – the little Tinni from the most loved Pujo TVC, along with nine top influencers of Kolkata at the event today, followed by a spectacular performance by the new-age band, Riyaz.

Talking about the initiative, Mr Rajib Mukherjee, AVP Operations East & Central India, Max Fashion said, “We are delighted to praise the strong women of Bengal through the Max Debi Boron Event. We all love to gift new clothes to our family and friends ahead of the festive season. Everybody is not so fortunate enough to receive such gifts. So, we have decided to gift new clothes to underprivileged women and girl children to celebrate the spirit of these strong women. Adding further joy to the shopping experience, This Pujo season Max wants to establish itself as a number one fashion destination for family, youth, and Kids. Our Pujo collection starts from Rs. 349 onwards. We currently have a presence of over 400+ stores across 170+ cities across India and plan to expand our retail footprint further.”
Arjun Chakrabarty, one of the most successful actors of Bengali film industry, said “I am very excited for the Max Debi Boron event today. It is a prodigious step taken by Max Fashion to encourage the women of Bengal and I am very much delighted to be a part of it. Also, the new Pujo collection looks extremely bright and colourful, and will be a strong style statement of this Puja.”
Ishaa Saha, the very glamorous actor of Bengal, said, “Durga Pujo always brings happiness and this initiative will definitely bring happiness in the Pujo celebration of these underprivileged yet strong women. It’s a joy for me to be a part of such an initiative knowing that these women will have a great time during this Puja. The new festive collection looks exceptionally beautiful and Max will be the perfect destination for the Pujo shopping this year.”


About Max
Max is Landmark Group’s leading value fashion brand offering clothing, accessories, and footwear for the entire family. Launched in 2004, the brand is known for ‘Everyday Fashion’ and its ability to offer discerning shoppers a range of choices at affordable prices. The brand has grown at breakneck speed and is now present in over 170

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