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Platinum Guild International (PGI) India and Senco Gold & Diamonds Unveil the ‘Platinum Evara Nova Collection’: Celebrating Women of Today

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Introduction to Platinum Evara Nova Collection

Kolkata, 11th June 2024: Platinum Guild International (PGI) India, in collaboration with Senco Gold & Diamonds, proudly introduces the Platinum Evara Nova Collection. This new collection is a tribute to the modern woman, embodying joy, abundance, and empowerment. Known for high-quality jewellery blending craftsmanship, exquisite designs, and timeless elegance, Senco Gold & Diamonds leverages over eight decades of legacy in creating this collection.

Embracing the Spirit of Modern Women

Reflecting the inherent attributes of platinum as a metal—clean lines, understated elegance, and classy sophistication—the Platinum Evara Nova Collection resonates with the dynamic spirit of today’s multi-faceted women. Crafted from 95% pure platinum, each piece showcases the metal’s versatility and beauty, complemented by exquisite diamonds, precious stones, and touches of pink gold. The collection exudes a sense of modernity and elegance with platinum’s naturally white luminous leading the design narrative.

Innovative and Contemporary Designs

The collection incorporates interesting themes, including organic negative spaces, soft layering, and unique dimensions. Elements like subtle and clean lines, scales, grooves, and curved shapes instantly elevate the designs, resulting in one-of-a-kind contemporary pieces. Highlights of the collection include neckwear pieces, such as bi-metal chain necklaces with pink gold accents, statement earrings featuring intricate designs, and flexible bracelets designed for frequent wear.

Voices from the Leaders

Suvankar Sen, CEO & MD, Senco Gold & Diamonds

“We are excited to collaborate with PGI India to launch the all-new Platinum Evara Nova collection for women. The women of today are multi-faceted; they pursue their dreams, transition to their better selves, and manifest their extraordinary potential. Inspired by their unabashed spirit and relentless strength, the collection is themed around the ‘New World, New Me’ ethos that celebrates these women. We have infused diamonds, precious stones, and hints of pink gold with platinum to provide a modern look and feel to the collection, reflecting their individuality and aspirations.”

Vaishali Banerjee, MD, PGI India

“We are thrilled to deepen our partnership with Senco Gold & Diamonds through the introduction of the Platinum Evara Nova Collection. This collection is a testament to our commitment to meeting the discerning tastes and preferences of modern women—bold, empowered, and unapologetically themselves. At PGI, we continuously seek new opportunities for platinum jewellery by exploring innovative design avenues. This collection represents our dedication to offering fresh and contemporary platinum jewellery pieces that resonate with our consumers’ aspirations and individuality.”

Availability and Pricing

Priced from INR 20,000 to 60,000, the new Platinum Evara Nova Collection is now available at select Senco Gold & Diamonds stores nationwide. For more information, visit

About Senco Gold & Diamonds

Senco Gold & Diamonds, a leading pan-India jewellery retail player, recently achieved a significant milestone of getting listed on NSE and BSE. With a legacy of more than five decades, Senco is the largest jewellery retail player in eastern India, based on the number of stores. Senco has over 160 showrooms across India, offering an extensive range of jewellery, including gold, diamond, silver, platinum, and precious and semi-precious stones. The company has brand ambassadors like Kiara Advani, Vidya Balan, and former Indian cricket legend Sourav Ganguly.

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