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Kolkata, November 9th, 2022: Q.Saina Group of Hotels, announced the launch of 100% Vegetarian Full Service Hotels, located across major tourist as well as pilgrimage spots across the length and breadth of India. Q.Saina wants to be known for their bespoke experiences and signature hospitality, they will be very soon ushering in new standards of opulence in the 4-star hotel industry. They strongly believe that a luxurious stay should indulge and satiate all the senses of an individual; resulting in an unforgettable experience.

Commenting on the launch, Mr Nitin Agarwal, Managing Director – Q.Saina Group of Hotels, said We don’t want to push our ideas on to customers, we simply want to make what they have been wanting for so very long. Courteous service will make a customer a walking advertisement because I strongly believe that a customer may forget what we said but they will never forget how we made them feel. Through this venture, we wish to make Q.Saina hotels a place “Where Elegance meets Comfort”. Q.Saina Group of Hotels wishes to be known for its bespoke experiences and signature hospitality. They are a home-grown Indian brand competing with the biggest hotel entities from across the globe. The management solely believes in providing exemplary luxury, quality, and service.

The brand is working on combining diversity with culture and inheriting the core values, especially including taking utmost care of people and their well-being. The brands services and amenities are 360° in the truest sense. They take pride in being slotted as a 100% Vegetarian Hotel chain catering to all age groups and strata of people. They will offer a mid-tiered experience of hotels & resorts in the 4 star categories. It will also offer upmarket accommodation and services ideally suited to a new age traveller, either travelling individually or with family.

The Q.Saina Group of Hotels will be present in key locations with great pricing and excellent unmatched service, said Technical Consultant Shri Soumya Sengupta (A Leading Hospitality Consultant of Eastern India) Q.Saina Group of Hotels strives to be one of India’s leading hotel chains with a diverse portfolio of properties. They plan to operate hotels with a minimum overall capacity of 400+ room by end of 2023. The current target is to open 3 hotels within March 2023. They are on tie ups with both operational and under development properties across various destinations in India. The company is run by individuals who have gained immense experience and expertise in various industry including the hospitality industry. HIGHLIGHTS -Leading environmentally sensitive hotels for the discerning traveller. – Upscale 4 star full-service eco sensitive hotels. – Personalised service, contemporary facilities and responsible elegance.

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