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Samyukta Kishan Morcha, West Bengal Branch

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Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) Gives Call for “Raj Bhavan Chalo” Program at Kolkata on 26 November; Large Foot-march of Farmers from Howrah & Sealdah Station; Massive Rally of Farmers at Rani Rashmoni Road

November 24, 2022, Kolkata: Samyukta Kishan Morcha, West Bengal Branch today announced at a press conference today at Kolkata Press Club that a “Raj Bhavan Chalo” programme shall be held on November 26 when a Memorandum of Demands of Farmers shall be submitted to the President of India through the Governor of West Bengal. Thousands of farmers shall march from Howrah & Sealdah Station and converge at a massive Rally at Rani Rashmoni Road.

Leaders of SKM West Bengal informed the media that more than 11 months have passed since the Modi Govt had given written assurance to the SKM regarding fulfilling a set of demands of the farmers of India, including MSP legislation, withdrawing Electricity Bill-2020, compensation to the families of martyred farmers, withdrawal of false cases against farmers etc. The Memorandum will demand immediate resolution of the outstanding demands.

Besides, a separate Memorandum shall be submitted to the Governor regarding state level demands.

The demands are:

1. Law ensuring payment of C2+50% Minimum Support Price (MSP) to all farmers for all crops must be enacted.
2. Waiver Scheme of all farm-debts to relieve indebted farmers of their debt burden must be introduced.
3. The New Electricity Amendment Bill 2020 must be withdrawn and free electricity should be provided to the agriculture sector.
4. Ajay Mishra, Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, accused of murdering farmers and journalists in Lakhimpur Kheri, must be dismissed and prosecuted
5. Comprehensive crop insurance scheme to provide prompt compensation to farmers for crop losses due to natural calamities must be introduced.
6. Monthly pension of Rs.5,000 for marginal, small, and medium-level farmers and agricultural labourers must be given.
7. False cases filed against farmers during the farmers’ movement must be withdrawn.
8. Compensation to the families of farmers martyred in the peasant movement must be given.
9. Oppression of micro-finance companies must stop.
10. 100 days work under MNREGA must be given to all rural families along with wage arrears. 200 days of work and Rs. 600/day wages must be introduced.
11. All crops should be bought at government rates by camping in all villages.
12. Fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, and diesel should be provided with subsidies. Black marketing and tagging must be stopped.
13. The New Forest Protection Act 2022, which undermines forest rights and the rights of Gram Sabhas and is anti-tribal and anti-environment; it must be repealed.
14. Rampant corruption in the land reforms department must be stopped.
15. Homeless and landless families should be given homestead land and vested land should be distributed to them.

The leaders of SKM said that farmers from various districts of the state will gather at a massive rally at Rani Rashmoni Road from 2pm, after marching from from Sealdah and Howrah stations from 1pm.

Samyukt Kisan Morcha appealed to all mass organizations to come forward and support the ongoing struggles including the ‘Raj Bhavan Chalo’ campaign on 26 November 2022 for continued support and solidarity of the farmers’ struggle.

The leaders further announced that from December 1st to December 11th, delegations shall visit the offices of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha MPs of all political parties and leaders and legislators of the state assemblies. A call-to-action letter will be submitted to all of them, demanding that they raise the farmers’ demands in Parliament and State Assembly and force them to debate and resolve these issues.

SKM leaders also condemned the BJP-led Modi government’s hasty introduction of GM seeds to facilitate seed monopoly corporate profits without adequate scientific research on impact on the environment, nature, and lives of humans and livestock.

Avik Saha, Amal Halder, Kartik Paul and Samir Putatunda among others addressed the press conference.

Media Cell | Samyukt Kisan Morcha, West Bengal
Contact: 8336939393

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