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Students Discover the Secrets of the Universe at Orchids The International School’s ‘Go Cosmo’ Astronomy Fair in Kolkata

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Kolkata, 7th June 2024: Orchids The International School, a leading K12 educational institution, has launched its student-driven Astronomy fair, ‘Go Cosmo – Your Ticket to Space,’ in Kolkata. This three-day event, held from June 7th to 9th at the Madhyamgram Campus, aims to captivate and inspire space science enthusiasts with a blend of interactive activities, educational experiences, and immersive learning opportunities.

Nationwide Success of ‘Go Cosmo’

‘Go Cosmo’ arrives in Kolkata following its successful run in Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, and Hyderabad, where close to 20,000 students demonstrated their love for astronomy. Dr. Ajit Singh, VP Academics-Astronomy at Orchids The International School, emphasized the importance of space exploration in education, stating, “Space exploration captures the human spirit of adventure and discovery. By integrating space education into our curriculum, we inspire curiosity and equip our students with the skills needed to thrive in the growing space sector.”

Engaging Activities to Spark Curiosity

Participants at the ‘Go Cosmo’ fair can engage in various activities designed to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Some of the highlighted activities include:

  • Alien Encounter: A creative session where students imagine and depict life on other planets.
  • Planetary Ponder: Exploring the mysteries of different planets in our solar system.
  • Gravitational Gym: Understanding the effects of gravity through fun exercises.
  • Comet Crafting: Hands-on crafting of comet models to learn about their composition.
  • Cosmic Collider: Demonstrating particle collisions and their importance in space.
  • Virtual Voyager: A virtual reality experience that takes students on a journey through the cosmos.
  • Stellar Spectacle: Observing stars and learning about their life cycles.
  • Star Seeker: Using telescopes to identify constellations and celestial bodies.
  • Spinning Spaceship Workshop: Building models of spacecraft to understand their mechanics.

Inspiring Future Scientists

Ms. Kavita Chatterjee, Senior VP, Academics, Orchids The International School, Kolkata, highlighted the school’s dedication to fostering a love for science and technology. She noted, “Go Cosmo is evidence of our dedication to helping students develop a strong appreciation for science. Through interactive activities and hands-on experiences, our goal is to spark an interest in physics, astronomy, and cosmology.”

Sharmilee Bandyopadhyay, Principal of the Madhyamgram Campus, added, “We spark kids’ passion for space science from a young age by providing immersive planetarium experiences and hands-on activities in our space labs. This Astronomy fair drives home our commitment to sparking curiosity and wonder about the universe in young minds.”

A Launchpad for Dreams

Harsh Gupta, VP Academics-Student Welfare, emphasized the broader impact of ‘Go Cosmo’: “By involving young minds in enjoyable and instructive activities, we motivate the upcoming wave of scientists to explore and innovate. This enthusiasm for science will undoubtedly aid India in establishing itself as a leader in the international space industry.”

Arjun Das, a Grade 10 student from Orchids The International School, Madhyamgram, expressed his excitement: “Astronomy is the language of the universe, and Go Cosmo is the pathway to understanding it. This event will help us unfold the mysteries of the universe.”

Event Details

The ‘Go Cosmo’ Astronomy Fair in Kolkata will take place at Orchids The International School’s Madhyamgram Campus from June 7th to June 9th, between 4 PM and 10 PM. It promises to be a memorable event for all space enthusiasts, offering a unique opportunity to explore and learn about the wonders of the universe.

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