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Zee Bangla Launches ‘Ranga Bou’

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Kolkata, 13th December, 2022: Zee Bangla, one of the leading Bengali General Entertainment Channels, today, launched a new mega serial Ranga Bou starring two most popular actors, Gourab Roy Chowdhury & Shruti Das in the lead. Mr Samrat Ghosh, Chief Cluster Officer – East, Zee Bangla & Ms Navnita Chakraborty, Chief Channel Officer, Zee Bangla were present to introduce the show and the star cast, which also include industry veterans Biswajit Chakraborty & Manasi Sinha along with Manoj Ojha, Nabanita Dey, Suman Banerjee, Swarnakamal Dutta, Hritojit Chatterjee, Indrakshi Nag, Ankita Majumdar, Payel Deb, Priyam, Phalguni Chatterjee, Shakti Pada Dey, Pinky Banerjee & Srabani Banik.

True to the tagline, Notun Chhonde Likhbo Jibon, Zee Bangla, has always strived to be an advocate of positive change. The stories are very much relevant in today’s society. The effort is always being given towards catering to our target audience’s demands and likings. The success achieved and the admiration received towards the shows over the years vindicates the channel’s choices. In Ranga Bou, the story has drama, emotion, comedy and most importantly gives out the message that – Outer Beauty Attracts But Inner Beauty Captivates. It will establish the fact that true beauty is not just about looks, eye colour, hair, skin tone, branded clothes, accessories, etc, but it is about empathy, compassion, understanding, taking care of oneself as well as others as beauty is eternal.

Ranga Bou narrates the story of two individuals who fall in love with each other’s inner beauty and meanders through different challenges that life throws at them to finally actualize their dreams. Gourab Roy Chowdhury as Kush hails from the famous Sil family, manufacturer of Sati Lakshmi Alta Sindoor who is manipulated and oppressed by his family members. Among the people who have always given importance to superficial beauty, he looked out for the beauty that is beyond the skin. But even he holds a dark secret within himself. On the other hand, Shruti Das as Pakhi finds her happiness on making others beautiful by acquiring ingredients from nature, defying the constructed standards of beauty and is the most sought-after person for bridal make up along with “Kone Sajano” folk performances in Madhuniya Village, Murshidabad. As the story progresses, Kush and Pakhi get married with Pakhi giving her best to adjust in the family and makes the people realise that inner beauty is what matters the most. She eventually opens a beauty parlour to follow her dreams and also protects her husband from oppression.

To discover the very essence of inner beauty, watch Ranga Bou, directed by Swarnendu Samddar, produced by Sandip Agarwal, Rupa Banerjee & Swarnendu Samaddar of Crazy Media, the house behind popular shows like Aamader Eyi Poth Jodi Na Shesh Hoye & Gouri Elo, from 19th December, 2022, every Monday to Friday at 8.30 pm on Zee Bangla.

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