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Eastern India’s First Robotic-Assisted Kidney Transplant at Narayana Hospital RN Tagore Hospital

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In a groundbreaking medical feat, Narayana Health RN Tagore Hospital in Kolkata has successfully performed eastern India’s first robotic-assisted kidney transplant, marking a significant advancement in organ transplant procedures in the region. The procedure not only saved the life of a patient suffering from chronic kidney disease but also addressed the additional challenge of morbid obesity, weighing over 110 kgs.

Led by Dr. Deepak Shankar Ray, Senior Consultant in Nephrology, the medical team at RN Tagore Hospital opted for a robotic-assisted approach due to the patient’s complex health condition, which posed significant risks with traditional open surgery. Robotic surgery offered a safer alternative, promising precise interventions and improved outcomes for patients facing challenging medical circumstances.

The intricate procedure involved precise maneuvers, including the delicate connection of the transplanted kidney’s vein and artery to the recipient’s iliac vein and artery, all performed with unparalleled accuracy using robotic technology. Despite the patient’s weight and high BMI, the surgical team navigated these challenges skillfully, ensuring optimal results.

Dr. Tarshid Ali Jahangir, Consultant – GI, Renal Transplant & Robotic Surgeon at Narayana Hospital RN Tagore Hospital, highlighted the significance of the achievement, stating that robotic surgery has redefined possibilities in healthcare by offering tailored interventions for patients with complex medical conditions. The successful execution of robotic kidney transplantation not only saved lives but also ushered in a new era of surgical precision, compassion, and hope.

The milestone achievement was made possible by the collaborative efforts of a dedicated team of experts, including Dr. Deepak Shankar Ray, Dr. Tarshid Ali Jahangir, Dr. Satyadip Mukherjee, and Dr. Ravi Ranjan, supported by technician Noor Hassan. Mr. Abhijit CP, Facility Director of Narayana Hospital RN Tagore Hospital, expressed pride in the accomplishment, emphasizing the hospital’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of medical innovation and delivering world-class care to patients.

The achievement at Narayana Hospital RN Tagore Hospital exemplifies the organization’s commitment to advancing healthcare excellence. Through state-of-the-art facilities and a multidisciplinary team of experts, Narayana Health continues to set new benchmarks, reaffirming its mission to provide the highest standards of patient care across the group.

The successful robotic-assisted kidney transplant not only signifies a medical milestone but also offers renewed hope to patients with complex health conditions in eastern India, showcasing the power of innovation and collaboration in modern healthcare.

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