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Hostel Days, a tale of friendship, emotions and college nostalgia!

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Kolkata,November 7, 2022: hoichoi’s upcoming series Hostel Days is a trip down memory lane, with elements and
emotions that we have all experienced and lived through. From unbreakable friendship, to outlandish pranks;
from crazy hostel survival tactics to even crazier experiences of messing those tactics up. Hostel days has
everything that your college life consisted of and more, and a story this nostalgic, this relatable and beautiful
needs the perfect song to compliment it.

‘Kurmur Kurmur Dhoom Dharakka’ is hoichoi’s friendship anthem for the year and hopefully will be for the
audiences’ too. It’s one such song that is exactly as it sounds – it’s quirky, fun, full of life and explosive. A little bit
weird and a whole lot of fun, just like every friendship is. The song was launched in front of the media on the 7th
of November at an event that had the whole cast of Hostel days grooving to the song in signature ‘Kurmur Kurmur
Dhoom Dharakka’ t-shirts. The song video captured wholesome and relatable moments from hostel and college
life and will have you in splits. And as a surprise element, the event was presented by someone who imbibes the
fun and colorful vibe of college life – Saurav Das.

Talking about Hostel days and the friendship anthem, creator Sani Ghose Ray said, “I wanted to be the part of a
show that puts a smile on the audiences’ face and takes them on a journey to one of the best times of their lives.
More often than not college is a time that is remembered as one of the most joyous periods in a person’s life and I
wanted to take the audience back to it. Coming to the song, I think it perfectly captures the vibe of the show, it’s
light hearted, fun and has a nostalgic ring to it, perfectly summarizing the essence of the show.”

Adding to this, Anindya Sengupta who plays Orco aka OG on the show, said, “ TThe song is extremely fun and
quirky and the video was a blast to shoot. The name of the song just perfectly captures the vibe of friendship, it’s
explosive and non sensical, but fun and beautiful at the same time and it was just a blast to be a part of the project.”
Rohan Bhattacharya who plays Kapil on the show, chimed in saying, “ Hostel Days is a project that is very
relatable to me and I am sure will be to everyone as well. I mean who doesn’t remember those late night ‘addas’,
bunking classes, acting crazy with friends, singing, dancing and giving each other the weirdest nicknames. College
life was undoubtedly the best time of our lives and this show takes you back not only to it but also your hostel life!”
Arpan Ghosal who plays Parikshit on the show, added his bit saying, “ I don’t know where to begin, it was such a
fun series to shoot and honestly took me back to my college days. It’s fun, high on emotions and captures both the
struggles and the insane joy of college and hostel life. Hostel Days goes on to prove that friendship can conquer all
and you can overcome everything, if your friends have your back. As for the song, the video was a blast to shoot
and it’s so catchy that I find myself humming it at the most random times..”

‘Kurmur Kurmur Dhoom Dharakka’ is the friendship anthem of the year, celebrate your close friendships to its
tune and stay tuned for more such heartwarming moments with Hostel Days.

The contrast of the fun engineering hostel life and the responsible adult life of three misfit college friends, crazy about
food, who got separated after a nasty brawl, and 15 years later how food once again reunites them.

Popular food vlogger OG’s journey comes to a halt in the face of the highest success in his life. He goes back to his
humble beginnings as he reconnects with Kapil, the ‘Narod’ of the group who is presently a banker and one of the
closest aides of both Orco and Parikshit. Parikshit a closest friend of Orco, a culinary genius who is presently running a hotel in North Bengal, helped him realize the essence of culinary art. He also manifests the exciting engineering hostel life once again before his eyes and he embarks on a journey to retrieve, recover and somehow compensate for his misdeeds with his childlike optimism yet troubled eccentricity and ends up finding solace.

Anindya Sengupta as Orco/OG
Arpan Ghosal as Parikshit
Rohaan Bhattacharya as Kapil
Roshni Bhattacharya as Mini (OG’s Manager)
Kanchan Mullick as Tinku Da

Sani Ghose Ray
Souvik Mondal and Satyaki Kundu

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Founded in 2017, hoichoi is the maiden venture of SVF under its new media section, and is headed by Co-Founder
Vishnu Mohta who is also the Executive Director of SVF.


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