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India’s own Swadeshi Size chart – INDIAsize

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India’s own Swadeshi Size chart – INDIAsize,  multicity human safe 3D body scanning survey marathon enters Kolkata as part of the last phase.


  • Kolkata, July 2022: The National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) has launched a national sizing survey to develop India’s first country-specific size chart, which will give Indians, clothes that fit better. The survey for mapping will collate basic data like gender, locality and age. The first phase of the survey will look into a size chart for 15-65+ years of age, while the second phase will map sizes for children. The entire scanning process will take around 15 minutes per scan.

The INDIAsize multicity sizing survey using non-contact human safe 3D body scanning technology will enable India to come up with standard body size for Indian population. To achieve the target to cover more than 25000 (Twenty-Five Thousand) people in the age group of 15- 65 years in six different cities located in six regions of India, 3D body scanning technology has been in Kolkata and is currently at NIFT & Titly banquet in 81 A, Ballygunge Pl, Ballygunge Place, Ballygunge, Kolkata, West Bengal 700019.


The survey is being carried since July 2021 by support of the Design Smith Pvt. Ltd. who are the On Ground Execution partner for this project. Noopur Anand, PI, INDIAsize said, “Since June 2021, INDIAsize have completed scanning over 24,000 people pan-India and have entered the last leg of our most comprehensive collection of data with the support of the Design Smith Pvt. Ltd and industry consortium CMAI. The target is to cover more than 25000 (Twenty-Five Thousand) people in the age group of 15- 65 years in six different cities located in six regions of India. Data collection has already been completed  in  New Delhi (North India ), Mumbai (West India), Chennai (South India), Hyderabad (Centre India) and is currently in Kolkata (East India) and will be followed by last stop Shillong (North-East). India having its own size chart is rapidly becoming a reality from a dream and finally the Indian consumers will be able to buy clothes which are made for them by the data collected from them and hence will fit them better”.


Now our Indian consumers shoppers wouldn’t be confused buying branded clothes which certain brands following the UK size while others following the USA size. The INDIA SIZE will be apt for the body frames for the people of India as they vary from their counterparts in the UK and the US. Henceforth the Indian consumer would not need to compromise on the fit of the shirt or a pant or any other clothing artifact while buying the branded clothes.

There won’t be any anomaly experienced by customers anymore as India is poised to come out with its own size chart – INDIA SIZE that will usher in a drastic change in the Indian Garment industry. To counter this problem at the grass-root level, National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), under the aegis of the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India has initiated a massive national sizing survey to create an anthropometric database of measurements for Indians, which is a true representative of the entire Indian population.


Now that the Southern leg is complete, after having completed the sizing process in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad, it is being carried out with full steam now in Kolkata at the NIFT campus and Titly banquet.

Ms. V. Lalithalakshmi, Director, NIFT Kolkata, said, “NIFT Kolkata is proud to be supporting INDIAsize project – one-of-its-kind anthropometric survey being implemented by NIFT under the aegis of  Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India. The sizing survey involves extracting body measurements of the Indian population and has followed a systematic pattern of completing the compilation of data, phase by phase, through the entire nation. It is in its last leg and is currently being undertaken in Kolkata from  NIFT campus and Titly Banquet. We invite all and sundry to participate in the scanning survey. Finally the Indian consumers will be able to buy clothes using an standardized INDIAsize that will be adopted by the garment manufacturers and this is expected to usher in a drastic change in the Indian Garment industry”


Expressing his satisfaction on the progress of the National sizing survey being implemented across our vast nation, Mr. Shantmanu, Director General, NIFT said, “I commend the efforts of the INDIAsize team to have entered the last phase of their marathon sizing survey using non-contact human safe 3D body scanning technology that will enable India to come up with standard body size for Indian population INDIAsize. Despite the hindrances of the pandemic lockdown, natural stumbling blocks like seasonal rains etc. the mammoth exercise of data collection is expected to be complete soon and INDIAsize size charts are expected to roll out sometime by year end. These indigenous sizing charts will assist many industries in developing products best suited for Indian body types,” the DG mentioned.

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