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Josh celebrates the success of Josh All Stars

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The event witnessed the participation of popular Josh creators such as John Bhattacharya and Chandrayee Ghosh Kolkata, 22 August 2022: Josh, India’s fastest growing and most engaged short-video app, celebrated the success of its flagship mentorship program Josh All Stars and launched its second edition – Josh All Stars 2,0, in an exclusive event in Kolkata, today, Josh All Stars is India’s largest and first-ever formal training academy for short-video creators and since its launch, the programme has received a tremendous reception from the creator community.

The fest witnessed the participation of numerous Josh creators wherein a graduation ceremony was organised for the outgoing participants of the 2021 batch of Josh All Stars programme.

Josh creators were also felicitated at the ceremony for their various milestone achievements on the platform. The celebration included a training session from the Josh All Stars mentors who educated creators on the short-video industry, new trends, the new features on the Josh app, monetisation avenues on the platform, and more to enable them to further boost their journey on the app and to help create quality content. The event was graced by the presence of popular Josh creators including John Bhattacharya, Chandrayee Ghosh, Alivia Sarkar, Niranjan Mondal, and Mukul Choudhary, who also collaborated with other creators to develop unique content.

Josh All Stars programme was envisioned to identify and mentor India’s next 10,000 creators by providing participants with a holistic understanding of content creation. Similar to the first edition, JAS Bangla will provide creators with curated training, including multiple levels of personalised grooming, expert guidance, and extensive promotions via masterclasses & external opportunities.

The top content creators from each category will get a chance to become a part of Josh IPs like Josh CreatorThon, Josh World Famous, and other upcoming campaigns. Sunder Venketraman, Head of Creator and Content Ecosystem, Josh, said, “The content creator community is growing rapidly and has witnessed massive adoption in the past years, furthering the potential of the ecosystem. As new monetisation avenues open up and emerging technologies pave new ways of engagement, creators have a future in building their own brands, becoming entrepreneurs, and creating their communities.

At Josh, we have always strived to bring quality experiences to our creators and users alike and Josh All Stars is yet another step towards redefining the potential of short-form video and elevating content creation.” Josh All Stars was launched in September 2021 and till now more than 5000 creators have benefitted via training sessions like content conceptualisation, content production, Josh algorithm, monetization & online etiquette. About Josh: Josh is a made-in-India, short-video app launched in August 2020 by VerSe Innovation.

It represents a confluence of India’s top 1000+ best creators, 20,000 strong managed community of creators, the 10 biggest music labels, 15+ million UGC creators, best in class content creation tools, the hottest entertainment formats, and formidable user demographics. Josh has been consistently rated as the leading Indian short-video app in India on the Play store with 100 million+ downloads. Josh is currently the fastest growing and most engaged short-video app in India with over 153 million MAUS (Monthly Active Users), 74 million DAUS (Daily Active Users) and 23 minutes average time spent.


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