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Karnataka Tourism: A Cultural Odyssey Unveiled at IITM Hyderabad 2023

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Karnataka Tourism captivated the hearts and minds of visitors at IITM Hyderabad with a mesmerizing display of its rich cultural heritage, exquisite temples, tantalizing cuisine, and breathtaking wildlife. The event, held from 1st to 3rd December 2023, in stand number P7 at People’s Plaza, showcased the diverse beauty of Karnataka, a state renowned for its vibrant traditions, architectural marvels, and delectable culinary delights.

Visitors were transported to the enchanting world of Karnataka through a visual display of Karnataka’s architectural treasures, highlighting the grandeur of its ancient temples, intricate carvings, and awe-inspiring monuments such as the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Hampi, Pattadakal, and Hoysala temples in Belur, Halebidu, and Somanathapur. Majestic forts like the Bidar Fort, and Bellary Fort, tranquil hill stations like Coorg, Chikmagalur, Sakaleshpura, and Kodachadri, vibrant festivals of Ugadi, Dasara, and Makar Sankranti, and a culinary odyssey through Karnataka’s delectable cuisine, including Bisi Bele Bath, Dosa, and Mysore Park. Through interactive sessions and engaging exhibits, visitors were captivated by Karnataka’s historical marvels, scenic landscapes, and cultural legacy.

Karnataka Tourism: A Cultural Odyssey Unveiled at IITM Hyderabad 2023

For those seeking an encounter with the wonders of the natural world, the event showcased Karnataka’s diverse wildlife. Visitors were mesmerized by images and videos of majestic tigers, graceful elephants, and the vibrant birdlife that inhabit the state’s lush forests.

Karnataka Tourism was represented by Mr. Janardhan H P, Joint Director of Karnataka Tourism along with various tourism service providers from Karnataka, such as The Aurum Hotels & Resorts; Tripbanao; Five Santuaries Safari LLP; Hotel Malligi Private Limited; Mysore International Travel Pvt. Ltd; Intersight Tours & Travels (P) Ltd; The Yellow Bamboo Resort (Green Fields); Niraa Wellness; Hotel VBR Grand INN; BookForUs; Turquoise Holidays; SBIT Travels Pvt. Ltd, along with the Department of Tourism, Government of Karnataka, Karnataka State Tourism Development Corporation Ltd, and Jungle Lodges & Resorts Limited, accentuating the comprehensive tourism experiences available in the state.

Karnataka Tourism: A Cultural Odyssey Unveiled at IITM Hyderabad 2023

Eminent personalities that visited the Karnataka Stand included Ms. Rakhee Kankaria, Chairperson, Tourism Committee, FKTCCI; Mr. Krupakar Ravipati, India Tourism; Ms. Sujana Kumar, TOAT; Mr. Pawan Jain, Rajasthan Tourism; Ms. Madhumati Rathod, Maharashtra Tourism; Mr. Valmiki Kishan, SKAL; Mr. Monik Dharamshi, SKAL; and Mr. Rajesh Philip, ANTO.

Karnataka Tourism: A Cultural Odyssey Unveiled at IITM Hyderabad 2023

Karnataka Tourism, in collaboration with its key stakeholders, had B2B interactions with a diverse audience of travel enthusiasts, industry professionals, and potential collaborators from Hyderabad. These discussions delved into the intricacies of ecotourism, heritage tourism, adventure tourism, and wildlife tourism, fostering invaluable collaboration and knowledge exchange thereby laying a strong foundation for future collaboration and partnership in the travel and tourism industry.

Karnataka Tourism: A Cultural Odyssey Unveiled at IITM Hyderabad 2023

The successful participation at IITM Hyderabad, served as a colloquy to Karnataka’s commitment to preserving and promoting its cultural heritage, while also showcasing its potential as a premier destination for tourism. The state’s rich history, diverse attractions, warm hospitality, and abundant wildlife make it an ideal destination for travelers seeking an authentic and enriching experience.

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