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Sanmarg Foundation presents its 17th edition of Ram Awatar Gupt Hindi Protsahan 2022

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Kolkata, 30thJuly, 2022: Sanmarg Foundation organised their 17th edition of Ram Awatar Gupt Hindi Protsahan
2022, the only award ceremony in India where students are felicitated for their excellent performance in Hindi. This award
ceremony is an initiative of the Sanmarg Foundation to generate awareness amongst the youth on the importance of Hindi.
The event was held at GD Birla Sabhaghar, Kolkata. This year also saw a successful Siliguri and South Bengal edition.
The event was hosted by renowned television fame Rithvik Dhanjani. Along with that a special Rock performance by
Revolution Band was organised for students across the city.

A total of 60 students from various boards (CISCE, CBSE, and W.B Board) were felicitated in this award ceremony. There
were 12 toppers students from each of 10 and 12 of the 3 boards- CISCE, CBSE and West Bengal Board who had been
selected. The 1st and 2nd toppers from each of these boards were given scholarships from Sanmarg Foundation. A total of
60 students from various boards (CISCE, CBSE, and W.B Board) were felicitated in this award ceremony. There were 12
toppers students from each of 10 and 12 of the 3 boards- CISCE, CBSE and West Bengal Board who had been selected. The
1st and 2nd toppers from each of these boards were given scholarships from Sanmarg Foundation. The award was also
given to 4 Top Schools, 6 Top Teachers and 4 College Toppers. Ram Awatar Gupt Hindi Protsahan reaches out to 5000
schools across Bengal and a thousand more across the country where students apply based on their school performance in
Hindi, their extracurricular activities and their personal initiatives taken towards the language. Hindi teachers who are the
bricks, on which this building was built, were also felicitated. Furthermore, schools were felicitated for their performance
and initiatives taken by them in this language. This year too we awarded meritorious students who have faced physical
disabilities, mental challenges, emotional barriers or financial difficulties. This is categorised under Ajay and Aparajay

Established in 1946, Sanmarg is the largest circulated and most popular Hindi daily in eastern India, headquartered in
Kolkata. It was founded by Swami Karpatri Ji Maharaj, and is based on the pillars of humanity and righteousness. Today,
it is the only newspaper to reach every corner of Bengal, and covers all 23 districts of the state. It is also published from
Patna, Bhubaneswar, Kolkata and Ranchi. Keeping up to today’s time Sanmarg is equally established in both print and
digital media.

In 2001, Sanmarg Foundation, earlier known as (Sanmarg Relief Fund Kolkata), was founded with the aim to promote
quality education to the masses through the language of Hindi. For the last 17 years, we have been honoring students,
teachers, and educational institutions who have excelled in Hindi. We have supported and provided scholarships to students
wanting to pursue higher education in Hindi. Further, we provide financial support to students from marginalized sectors.
Mrs. Ruchika Gupta, Director, Sanmard & Trustee, Sanmarg Foundation said while speaking to the media, ” Hindi is the
language of Bharat and today when on one end we are celebrating 75 years of independence, it feels sad that a nation like
India doesn’t have a national language. Hindi is the official language of the country and through our humble endeavor,
‘Ram Awatar Gupt Hindi Protsahan’, we aim to instill a sense of pride in the youth of today towards this noble language.
Students are the future of the country and what they believe in today, India will follow tomorrow! This is the fire we wish to

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