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Unveiling the Powerhouse of Jain Women: JITO Ladies Premier League 2024

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The Jain International Trade Organisation (JITO) Ladies Wing proudly presents the grand spectacle of the JITO Ladies Premier League 2024, a celebration of strength, spirit, and unity. Organized by JITO East Zone & Kolkata Ladies Wing, this event is set to unfold at the NKDA Cricket Stadium in Rajarhat, Kolkata, on January 4th and 5th, 2024, under the initiative of the JITO Sports project.

At the heart of empowerment, the JITO Ladies Wing embarks on a journey to showcase the indomitable prowess of Jain women through sports. The JITO Ladies Premier League is not just a cricket tournament; it’s a platform for the convergence of aspirations, determination, and camaraderie, promising an exhibition of cricketing talent.

With 9 teams representing 9 Zones, the league brings together 108 players from diverse backgrounds, celebrating the multifaceted roles of women in today’s society. It’s a vibrant tapestry woven with the threads of diversity, equality, and collective growth.

The JITO Ladies Premier League extends beyond the cricket pitch, embodying the core values of JITO Ladies Wing – Education (Shiksha), Service (Seva), Values (Sanskar), Security (Suraksha), and Self-Reliance (Swalamban). Through projects like Education Assistance, Centre for Excellence, Business Networking, Matrimony, Minority, Jobs, Sports, and more, the league aims to strengthen the socio-economic status of women, emphasizing transformation through Leadership, Technology, and Economic Prosperity.

Ms. Sangeeta Lalwani, JITO APEX Ladies Wing Chairperson, expresses that the league is an ode to the multifaceted roles Jain women play, seamlessly transitioning from managing homes and offices to commanding the cricket field.

Ms. Sheetal Dugar, JITO APEX Ladies Wing Chief Secretary, emphasizes that each player on the field represents a story of determination, passion, and the indomitable spirit of Jain women.

Ms. Kalpana Baid, EAST ZONE Ladies Wing Convenor, states that the tournament is about breaking stereotypes and creating a legacy of empowerment through sports.

Ms. Sangeeta Baid, JITO KOLKATA Ladies Wing Chairperson, envisions the cricket pitch as a platform for transformation, where ladies emerge not only as players but as leaders.

Ms. Rekha Jain, JITO APEX Ladies Wing SPORTS Convenor, declares that the league is a celebration of the strength, skill, and spirit of Jain women across the nation.

Ms. Shashi Jain Dugar, JITO KOLKATA Ladies Wing Chief Secretary, believes that the tournament serves as a powerful reminder that the boundaries for Jain women extend far beyond the kitchen and office.

Ms. Hemlata Shyamsukha, JITO KOLKATA SPORTS Convenor, notes that in the world of JITO Ladies Wing, the cricket field becomes a stage where ladies showcase not only their sporting prowess but also the resilience and determination that define them.

About JITO Ladies Wing: JITO Ladies Wing aims to empower Jain women, providing a platform where women regardless of their firkas and faith can converge for the benefit of all. The vision is to empower women, enhance their capabilities and skills, and develop growth opportunities.

About JITO: JITO is a multi-stakeholder community based in Mumbai, comprising visionary Jain industrialists, businessmen, and professionals. Committed to shaping the future of the business community and Jain society, JITO stands as a beacon of progress, unity, and empowerment.

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