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‘You have to know dreams to make advertising’: Advertising Guru Prahlad Kakar tells students

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“Advertising is not about yesterday, advertising is about the future” stated Prahlad Kakar, the man behind iconic ads like Pepsi and Cadbury while visiting Heritage Group of Institutions this weekend for a master class on branding and advertising. The programme served as a warm-up for the prestigious AD ADDA 2022 competition, which is being held under the auspices of the Heritage Group of Institutions and is coordinated by the Department of Media Science at The Heritage Academy.Ad Adda is an “Advertising, Entertainment, and Public Relations” fest organized by The Heritage Academy

Mr. Kakar harped on the importance of tomorrow throughout his speech. The focus is on future. One must comprehend the future in order to be effective in advertising. “The future is the dreams of the young people of how they can better themselves, the Society and the Country,” said Mr. Kakar.

Mr. Kakar shared some classic instances like the oldPepsi ad – “Ye dil maange more” and Cadbury ad – “Kuch meetha ho jaye” to illustrate his point, saying that in order to make a successful advertisement, one must tap into the audience’s fantasies to craft a compelling narrative that will stick to their minds. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of storytelling to persuade the audience to purchase the product and ensure its success. Therefore, it is essential for a marketer to know the dreams of the young minds and create captivating narratives that can draw the audience, and this can only be achieved by delving deeply into the aspirations of today’s young.

The event began in the presence Shri Pradip Agarwal, Chief Executive Officer of Heritage Group of Institutions, Prof. Basab Chaudhuri, Principal, Heritage Institute of Technology, Prof. Gour Bannerjee, Principal, The Heritage Academy, Prof. Madhupa Bakshi, Dean, Department of Media Science, The Heritage Academy and other faculty.

More than 500 students and professors from numerous colleges and universities of  the State, like Adamas University, Amity University, St Xaviers, New Alipore college, Brainware University, SNU, and many others, attended the Master class.

“The session was wonderful and fascinating. Within a short time, I learnt that advertising is about good story-telling and attention to details. I thank Mr. Kakar for this wonderful session and would appreciate more such sessions in the future,” said a student from Amity University.


About Heritage Group Of Institutions

Heritage Institutions Group started in 2001. It comprises ofThe Heritage School, top engineering institution Heritage Institute of Technology, The Heritage Academy offering BBA, BCA, and Media Sciences programmes, Heritage Business School, Heritage Legal College-top law college in Kolkata, and The Heritage College offering courses in B.Sc, B.Com, B.A.

About The Heritage Academy

The Heritage Academy is a private institute in Anandapur, Kolkata, near East Kolkata Township, West Bengal, India, on the campus of The Heritage group of Institutions. It is associated with Kolkata’s Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (previously known as West Bengal University of Technology) (WBUT). It provides courses like Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) honours, Bachelor and Master’s of Media Science (BMS & MMS) honours, and Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) honours, the Heritage Academy delivers technical education in management and technology in all technical and theoretical areas. The Heritage Academy organises a number of festivals and educational programmes. The Heritage Academy Film Festival (HAFF) is the official film festival of The Heritage Academy and is organized by the Media science department of The Heritage Academy. Another event

About Dept. of Media Science

Students participate in a variety of internships, industry interactions, events, and contests throughout the course as they work towards becoming industry-ready professionals. Our Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees offer Actual World Experience (AWE) in today’s performance-driven, technology-guided interactive media. Students begin working on real-world projects and are prepared to enter the workforce through internships, industry engagements, and events.

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